Monday, 30 May 2016

In the powwow with Jezebel Dusk

Little Q&A I took part in recently on an Internet forum who have kindly allowed me to share it on here. Enjoy.

Since starting her blog on all things spiritual Jezebel Dusk back in September 2015 Jezebel Dusk's blog has grown and grown. She has inspired many with her simple meditation techniques for beginners through to enlightening us on the twin flame relationships. The twin flame posts being the most read, closely followed by the posts on meditation. Today she joined us for a Q&A in our chatroom. 

So to start off with can you tell us what first inspired you to begin this blog? 
It was something I had often thought about doing but in all honesty I just hadn't gotten around to it. It got to the point where a lot of people had begun asking me for my opinion and advice on various topics that I finally decided that I had something to say that would interest and benefit a lot of people.  What I didn't want to do was create a blog that was so intense and so deep that nobody would be able to understand it so whenever I write a post I try to make it as easy to digest as possible. For example I know a lot more advanced meditation techniques but if I were to post those techniques without first sharing simple ones suitable for beginners I would have ended up with a lot of confused readers who would be unable to practice the techniques and therefor never gain the benefit of it. 

So is it assumed then that your blog is aimed at beginners? 
Not at all, I like to make my blog suitable for all from complete beginners to more advanced people. The reason I started off with simple techniques was so that if someone was to stumble onto one of my meditation posts for example and really struggled to keep the focus or not being able to visualise it they could then look back at the earlier techniques to try instead. 

What about the title Jezebel Dusk where did that originate from? 
Well Jezebel Dusk was a name that I had used before in my writing, a pen name if you will. Which I actually came up with when trying to come up with character names for one of my novels it sounded good and I liked it but it wasn't quite right for the character so instead I wrote it down and came back to it later ultimately using the name myself. When it came to creating my blog I could not find a title that I liked. Everything sounded gimmicky or tacky or I thought wouldn't suit the content of the blog so I tried just Jezebel Dusk and it's worked really well so far. 

How did your own spiritual journey begin? Did you have an awakening or enlightenment? 
I think it's always been a part of me really. My families heritage is Cherokee Native American which is very spiritual so from that perspective it's always been a part of my life. As a child I always had an affinity with nature and was able to sense the presence of spirits from the age of seven. I suppose I only really started following a spiritual lifestyle in my early twenties when I began meditating and using crystals. Since then I've learnt a lot from a lot of different people and have therefor evolved as a human but also as a spirit and infinitely we are all beings of light. 

Many people speak of following a specific path or religion, what do you class yourself as? 
As a child I was raised as a Christian, I attended a very strict catholic school which was run and taught by nuns in a convent. I was even asked to consider becoming a nun when I left school. I always found the whole thing very uncomfortable and I knew in my heart it just wasn't for me. Personally I don't believe in God and I don't believe a word that is in the bible because my argument always was that the bible was written over 2000 years ago in a completely different language by people who didn't even know how to write. So from that  perspective I find the whole thing incredibly unreliable. 
Nowadays I don't follow any particular religion as such. I instead prefer to take the bits that are relevant to me from different religions. I follow Buddhism and Paganism as I really like that both of these don't worship one particular being, instead they are more of a lifestyle choice, with valuable teachings.For me it's more about understanding nature and animals and using nature to aid ourselves. As for Buddhism I really find the teachings of the Buddha inspiring. I also still practice quite a lot of Native American shamanism as well as that is my heritage. 

If you don't believe in God what do you think is out there? Heaven? Hell? 
I don't believe in God. In Native American beliefs it's said that we have Mother Earth and Father sky. For me personally I believe in the Goddess as Mother Earth, but what I really like is in paganism the goddess isn't one sole being she is many different beings. I strongly believe in the higher powers and ultimately the source which I think is a dragon but that's just my opinion. I believe that there is good and evil in this world and both are necessary to keep the balance. 

You've said yourself you've had a tough year so far, with so much negativity in the world how do you manage to still be so upbeat and happy? 
It's fucking hard work. Yes I have had a turbulent year so far, in fact it's probably been one of my toughest but it's been the same for everyone. At the moment there is so much hatred in the world and so much negativity that it is our duty to try to rectify that. My motto that I live by in life is that "everything happens for a reason" which is very very true. 
Ultimately life is a cycle and unfortunately we have to go through ups and downs. It's part of life and the way to get through it is to look at the situation, understand that it's happened and there's no way you can change what's happened so learn from it and carry on. Everything in this entire world is connected. If you look at a spiders web every strand is connected. If you then pluck just one strand the effect is felt throughout the whole web. The same goes in life. On this planet everything is connected by the web of life and just one small act of good and kindness will travel through and along the web. Ultimately making the world a little more bearable. It works both ways if you are emiting negative energy then you are spreading that energy along the web. Whereas if you are happy and living your life for the greatest good then those little bits of light emitting from you will be felt along the entire world. 

In today's day and age we see everyday on the news tragedies, people being killed, so much negativity. How can we off set this? 
That's the first mistake. Reading the news. Before I would spend over an hour each day reading the news and would ultimately end up feeling depressed. I no longer read the news for that reason. Yes there is a lot of negativity and hatred in this world but at the same time there is still a lot of good. Unfortunately it is very rare for happy stories to be in the news so for me I find the daily news very one sided and focuses solely on bad news. I do read the odd story I stumble across while browsing Twitter but that's about it. 

You've spoken a lot about the twin flame relationship why is it so important to find your twin flame and why are so many people struggling to find theirs? 
The twin flame relationship is something I feel very strongly about and ironically it's the one topic which draws the most visitors to my site particularly the post I did on twin flame telepathy and signs you've found your twin flame. The twin flame relationship is so important for the future of our world. Alone there is only so much good we can do. If we're lucky enough to find our twin flame imagine how much stronger you'd become together and how much more good you could do. 
A lot of people struggle to find their twin flame as quite often one twin refuses to believe that they have found their twin flame and will convince their self any way they can that its not right. These are called runner twins and its part of the twin flame relationship. When you do meet in the physical world you will both feel it. Then one may dismiss the feelings and convince themselves it isn't their twin flame. Sometimes they convince themselves that someone else is their twin flame even subconsciously they can do this. When in their heart they will know because they will feel it just like you do. It's important to notice any coincedences, any similarities. Numbers particularly are very synchronised and many twinflames may have very similar phone numbers, door numbers. Twinflames also pick up on eachothers feelings and thoughts. Even if they haven't met. You can always send your twinflame love and they will feel it in their heart. 

You've posted a few tarot readings and occassionaly share tarot cards on Instagram, how long have you been reading tarot? 
It's exactly three years this month since I learnt tarot. It has been something I wanted to learn for a long time and over the years I had bought many decks, read books, was shown meanings by other readers and it just never sunk in. Until three years ago I picked up the deck I currently use which I'd had for about four years and decided to learn them. I learnt the major arcana first and studied one card every day. I'd look at the picture closely and read the book and within a few months I'd learnt the deck. After many hours of practice I started offering readings. 

Do you offer readings to anyone?
Whoever wants one can have one. I do readings via email for people who don't live in London or who prefer email readings. 

How often do you personally practice meditation? 
everyday, even if its just for ten minutes before I go to sleep. 

Finally there are thousands of books available on spirituality, it gets confusing. Are there any you could personally recommend. Also will you ever write a spiritual book yourself? 
There are literally thousands out there, the best way is to find something which appeals to you. I have a few essential books I can recommend. 
The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle is a must, it's not so much spiritual but a way of living by only focussing on the present moment. 
I'm currently reading Your Souls Gift by Robert Schwartz I'd also recommend his first book Your Souls Plan. 
As for me, there are currently no plans at the moment for me to write a book on spirituality but never say never.