Thursday, 28 July 2016

Cleansing And Charging Your Crystals

In my last post I covered how to select the right crystals for you to use. So if you're new to crystals you may have noticed in my previous post I mentioned cleansing crystals. Likewise you could be someone who has collected crystals for years and never heard of cleansing them. So what is it and why should you do it? 

We use crystals because of their energy, healing powers, protective powers, and their vibration. So to keep them running efficiently we need to cleanse them regularly. Crystals are natural minerals which absorb all kinds of energy. Some are a little more absorbent then others. If you use your crystals for healing you'll need to cleanse them much more often. If you keep one in your pocket at all times again it will need to be cleansed regularly. Providing you care for and store your crystals correctly ones you have lying around at home will not need as much cleansing. It's important to cleanse your crystals because of how they absorb energies. They will absorb positive and negative energies and if too much negative energy is stored inside it can cause the crystal to crack, shatter, break and even emit that negative energy. Crystals will absorb energy from being held or just being kept in a room, anyone who visits you will leave energy which is then absorbed by the crystal. If you have a crystal you carry in your pocket and whilst out and about you come into contact with arguments, accidents or just rude people in general the crystal will absorb that energy and store it. 
There are about as many different ways to cleanse crystals as there are crystals. So I'll explain the more well known ways of doing this. 

Cleansing With Water 
The simplest, quickest and easiest way of cleansing crystals. Simply hold them under a cold running tap, or in a bowl of cold water. You can add sea salt to the bowl for added cleansing if you wish otherwise water alone is fine. You can also use lukewarm water if you prefer. As you gently wash each crystal with your hand say either mentally or outloud "Negative Energies Leave This Stone" followed by "May You be Used For The Highest Good, May You Be Used In Light And In Love" then place the crystal onto a piece of kitchen roll to dry naturally. 
This method is ideal for cleansing tumbled polished stones and most rough natural crystals. However some crystals whether tumbled or not will dissolve if immersed in water or even getting wet at all. The well known crystals which should NEVER be cleansed using water are: 
  • Selentie
  • Aragonite 
  • Desert Rose
  • Himalayan Salt (salt lamps)
  • Malachite 
  • Mica 
Use caution cleansing these rough crystals:  

  • Kyanite 
  • Any crystal in a natural geode or with attached rock. 
  • Rough Tourmaline with Mica 

Tumbled/Polished crystals 

Cleansing Using Incense  
Another very popular way of cleansing crystals is to use certain incense to cleanse them. This technique is very good because the smoke will draw out the negative energies. The two best incenses to use purely for cleansing are Sage or Frankincense & Myrhh. Personally I dislike the smell of sage so I use Frankincense and Myrhh for my cleansing. To use either of these choose which one you'd prefer and light it. You can use natural sage, joss sticks, resins, dry herbs whichever you prefer. I usually choose Nitiraj Gold Frankincense and myrhh joss sticks. Once the smoke is flowing upwards in a straight line hold your crystal directly in the line of smoke, if the crystal is clear of negative energy the smoke will nicely surround it and flow through it. If the smoke avoids or or swirls away or speeds up there is negativity within the crystal. Continue holding it directly in the smoke until the smoke surrounds the crystal nice and slowly. 
The good thing about choosing this method is that you can use it on absolutely any crystal, tumbled or rough and it will cause no harm or damage to the crystal. 
Rough Crystal

Tibetan Singing Bowl Method 
Tibetan singing bowls can be tricky to master. However when done correctly they produce a truly beautiful sound which is used to uplift and purify the energy in a room, crystal or wherever needed. To use this method lay your crystals out on a table top or cloth and just make a sound with the bowl your crystals will then be cleansed by the vibration of the sound.

Using The White Light 
This is one which is practiced by advanced spiritualists, reiki healers, crystal healers or mediums. This is done by holding the crystal enclose in your hands and whilst in a meditative state draw the beautiful, pure, bright light from your higher crown chakra directly into the core of the crystal. Envisage the white light bathing the crystal and cleansing it. 

Intensive Cleansing 
Sometimes crystals contain a very bad negative energy, it may have been held by an extremely negative person or just been within the vicinity of negativity. Sometimes it can also feel as though the power and vibration has been sucked out of the crystal causing them to feel empty. Sometimes a crystal can crack due to negativity. Sometimes they just don't feel right or quite how they used to. In this circumstances your crystal requires intensive cleansing which can only be performed by qualified practitioners such as myself, or other qualified crystal healers. 

There are some crystals which technically never require cleansing as they have the ability to cleanse themselves by dissipating negative energy. Personally I prefer to cleanse all crystals whether they need it or not and it will do absolutely no harm to cleanse these crystals. The following crystals are self cleansing and technically never requite cleansing unless you choose to. 

  • Black Tourmaline 
  • Black Obsidian 
  • Amber 
  • Kyanite 
  • Citrine 
Charging Your Crystals 
Once your  crystals are cleansed they need charging. Again there are various way of doing this. If for example you choose to use a tumblestone for one of it's healing attributes you can program it to do just that one thing. As an example I'll use Blue Lace Agate for lowering a fever. You will begin by cleansing it with whichever method you choose then hold the crystal, close your eyes and mentally tell it what you want it to do i.e "You will be used for lowering fevers" if using rose Quartz to attract love you'd say "You will open my heart to receiving love and attract a lover to me" etc you get the idea. 
If you just want to use your crystals for general usage then these methods are perfect as they will raise the crystals energy and make them feel much more powerful. 

Especially after cleansing, many crystals will love to sunbathe and dry off in the sun. The suns energy will raise their vibrations and cause them to feel vibrant and full of life. To energise and charge your crystals this way simply place them outside or on a windowsill in direct sunlight for an hour or two. However there are a handful of crystals which can fade in sunlight, usually if left in direct sunlight for extended periods of time so for these crystals 10 to 20 minutes is an adequate time to leave them in the sunshine and when storing store in bags or boxes out of direct sunlight 

  • Fluorite (will fade very fast)
  • Amethyst 
  • Citrine
  • Rose quartz 
  • Ametrine 
  • Apophyllite 
  • Aquamarine 
  • Celestite 
All crystals love to absorb the moons energy. The night of the full moon is the best time to leave your crystals out to be charged and energised by the moon. You can place them out the night prior to the full moon and leaving them in place for the consecutive three nights, except the ones which will posibly fade during the daytime sunlight. To charge your crystals using the moons energy either place your crystals outside if possible or place them on the windowsill where they will be in the moonlight. Moonstone especially enjoys being charged this way as does Obsidian but any crystal can be charged via the moon safely. 

Whichever method you choose to use cleansing and charging your crystals is something you should do whenever you feel it is necessary. If you cleanse a lot of crystals in one go you will find yourself feeling very energised, if you handle too many crystals at once though you may well end up with an energy headache so do your cleansing in moderation.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

How To Carefully Select The Right Crystal

Crystals or gemstones as they are sometimes called are one of the most beneficial and versatile tools you could possibly have. They can be used for healing, for specific ailments, or can be used in everyday situations. 
This is the first blog in a series I'll be writing on the many benefits of crystals. In upcoming blogs I'll highlight crystals to be used for certain benefits, crystal care and some simple crystal healing techniques. But before you can do anything with crystals you need to have selected your own ones to begin using. So how do you go about that? 

There are a number of ways to select crystals and they are becoming more readilly available then they were a decade ago. There are a few decent shops scattered around which stock them but be careful. Crystals will absorb all energy they come into contact with be it positive or negative. So if you do pick up your crystals from shops make sure you cleanse them as soon as you get home, more on that in the next blog. 
Selecting a crystal can be daunting, there are literally thousands to choose from, all with different attributes. One way of choosing crystals that I recommend using if your visiting a shop is just to simply hover your hand over the display and see where you get drawn. You may get a tingle, or more often then not a feeling of warm energy. Once you've found the crystals that are calling you hold a few of the same crystal. The one that's meant for you will get hot in your hand. If it remains cold put it back into the display, if it gets warm then that's your crystal. 
Similarly you may just find yourself drawn to certain crystals. Personally I'm a sucker for Calcite and Rose Quartz and it is common to end up with various pieces of the same crystal in your collection. The downside with choosing crystals in a shop is that one many people may have held them previously meaning their energies are in the crystal, also some shops are very overpriced. Some rarer crystals are a little more expensive but you shouldn't ever pay over the odds. 
Nowadays I purchase most of my crystals online at a UK based online shop. I've never experienced any issues with any of their crystals and you usually receive them the next day. Of course it is important to still cleanse them on delivery. So if your going down the online route you can't select them by heat but as you browse you will find yourself drawn to certain crystals. It may be your favourite colour, or perhaps it just stands out to you on the page. If it grabs your attention then it is your crystal so go ahead and treat yourself. Remember there is no such thing as a coincedence so the crystal you receive will be the one that is meant for you. That's one of the reasons I like shopping online for crystals. You will receive the one that is meant for you. Also Crystal Age is the most reasonably priced online store I've ever found, they also have the option of buying drilled tumblestones which can be easilly threaded onto a cord and worn as a necklace. 
Before anyone asks no I am not being paid to say that as everything I write on this blog is my own personal opinions and recommendations. 
It doesn't matter how many crystals you start off with, you could even buy a selection pack and have a small collection instantly. Once you start your collection you can continue to grow it and you'll soon find that over time you will acquire many more crystals. 

Unfortunately sometimes crystals don't stay with us, they come to us when we need them. For example I cannot find any of my pieces of tourmaline lately, even the piece I always keep in my pocket. I cannot find it anywhere. It has happened before a few years ago and Tourmaline is renound for disappearing, but it does come back when it's needed. This happens with quite a few crystals. Where they go is a mystery. I think our spirit guides take them to re-energise them as when you do find them they are where you've looked hundreds of times. 
So on that note Happy Crystal Shopping.