Sunday, 25 October 2015

Full Moon October 2015

It is almost that time of the month (no not that) the night of the full moon is almost upon us. The full moon will rise at sunset on 27th October. As with the new moon the full moon can affect us just as much if not more. Some months the full moon is much stronger when it is closer to earth and you will feel the effects amplified. Luckily it doesn't look like this is one of those months. However the chances are if you're moon sensitive you may still feel the moon.
 Lunacy is no myth so its not surprising that A&E departments and Police stations are often much busier on the full moon. It can make people a little crazy to say the least. The tides in the rivers and lakes are higher then usual and if your currently pregnant and reaching full term there is a very high chance that your baby will be born on the full moon.
 So how do you know if you're affected by the full moon? These are all the signs, symptoms and feelings moon sensitive people will feel on the full moon. Not only are you likely to feel one, a few or all of these things on the night of the full moon you will feel it during the day and following day.

  • Feeling hyperactive 
  • Feeling emotional and sensitive 
  • Crying for no apparent reason 
  • Being easily irritated and feeling moody 
  • Feeling Tired
  • Feeling friskier then usual 
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Trouble sleeping (It's not uncommon for me to be wide awake all night for example
These are just a few typical examples. If your unsure if your mood is being caused by the full moon then keep a moon diary. A small journal where each day you write down the date, time, current moon phase and how you felt that day. Do that for around three months then look back and see if you notice any patterns. To help you find what the current moon phase is I've added a moon phase icon to this blog, it's just to the left on any page underneath the small bio. It'll always be on here and will update itself each day to give you an accurate moon phase.  

Cats are particularly moon sensitive. Vixen
If you have pets observe their behaviour around the full moon. Cats in particular seem to be very sensitive. My two for example can be a nightmare. They will whizz about all night crashing into things and jumping over things, meowing for no apparent reason. Dogs are known to bark on the night of the full moon. Luckilly it is very rare for my dog to bark at all. 
One of the best things about the full moon is that it is the best time to charge your crystals. Any crystal will enjoy being charged by the full moon. Moonstone, Quartz, Obsidian, Calcite and Rose quartz particularly enjoy being charged by the moon but all crystals can be charged by the full moon. To charge your crystals first cleanse them by running them under cold or warm water. (NOTE: Not all crystals can get wet, if you have Aragonite, Malachite, or Selenite especially in natural form it is best to not get these wet as they will melt. Just follow the next step) as a general rule all tumbled polished crystals can be washed. After washing dry them gently with a piece of kitchen towel then either place outside somewhere safe or inside on your windowsill. I often wish I had a balcony so I could put all of my crystals out overnight and know they'd be safe, if I put them out in my garden chances are the foxes would have them away. Instead mine spend three nights on the windowsill as I put them up the night before the full moon in case I forget. As long as where you place them they'll be touched by the moonlight it's a good place. Of course you don't have to charge every crystal every month, usually just the ones you use often. If you want to though there is no harm in charging every crustal every month (I just do not have enough windowsill space to do this) 
These are just my tumbled crystals

I should also add that it is a very very bad idea to either wear or carry moonstone around the full moon as it will make the effects even stronger.

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