I have on occasion mentioned the importance of the moon on here and how the full moon can affect moon sensitive people.
Tonight's full moon will be a real spectacle. Not only is it a Super full moon but tonight the moon is the closest it's been to earth in 86 years. It won't be this close to earth again until 2034 so it is quite a rare occurrence. If you are particularly moon sensitive like me you could be in for an interesting few days as the effects of this moon will be a lot stronger then usual.
How the Full Moon Affects Us
Lunacy was never
just a myth, it is common knowledge that on the night of the full moon
A&E and Police departments are always busier. Pregnant women
approaching full term tend to go into labour on the night of the full
moon, especially so if the mother to be is moon sensitive. It is common for many people to feel out of sorts during the full moon. You may feel hyper, a little crazy, slightly restless and unable to sleep. Full of ideas and creativity. It isn't a coincidence if these symptoms occur around the full moon. Which is why keeping a moon journal is a perfect idea. More information on moon journal's can be found on my earlier post: http://jezebeldusk.blogspot.co.uk/2016/01/keeping-moon-journal.html
Tonight as the moon is so close to us here on earth all of these symptoms will be amplified. It won't only affect us tonight, some may have felt the effects last night and tomorrow and Wednesday nights the effects will still be just as strong.
How The Full Moon Affects Animals
It isn't only us humans who are affected, many cats are affected by the full moon. I have heard how some have a particularly crazy time on the night of the full moon, they may yowl for no reason and generally act like crazy cats. This is all normal as cats in particular are very sensitive animals to the environmental changes, much like how they can sense an earthquake before it hits. Some people notice dogs acting a little off during the full moon. In all likelihood any animal, any species can be just as affected by the full moon as us humans can.
Using The Full Moons Energy
The good news is this moon is bringing a whole new fresh energy into the atmosphere which is well needed after the year 2016 has been. There has been so much negativity and energy shifts this year that many of us have been up and down all year. Tonight's moon is the best opportunity many of us will have to charge up any crystals. I have a selection on my windowsill being charged by the moon, I opted to place my new pendulum up to give it a good kickstart.
Full Moon Meditation
If your body and soul could do with a recharge using the moons energy then practice this simple meditation. This meditation can be performed on any full moon but it will be even more invigorating on a super full moon. By doing this meditation you will be using the full moons energy to completely cleanse and recharge your mind, body and aura and you will feel fantastic afterwards. It is best to do this meditation at night just before going to sleep if you can.
To begin lie down comfortably and take some deep cleansing breaths, as you exhale let go of any worries and intruding thoughts. Take a few more deep breaths until you feel a much deeper sense of relaxation. As you allow your eyes to close imagine yourself lying in a beautiful garden, feel the coolness of the grass underneath you, you see the stars shining bright above you, the sky so clear. You see the moon high in the sky above you. Focus on the light of the moon, you feel a deep sense of comfort. Almost like the feeling of being a baby and having the security of a nightlight, the moon is now your nightlight, allowing you to feel safe and secure. You feel comfortable here.
from your stomach see a silver strand of light energy emitting from your solar plexus, allow this strand to float slowly and gently towards the sky, as it approaches the moon feel the energy of the moon coming closer to you, it's within your reach. As your strand of light reaches the moon you feel a strong connection between yourself and the moon. You see your strand of light attach to the moon. As you inhale you draw the energy of the moon into your strand of light you see the white light of the moons energy and feel it travel back down the strand and into your solar plexus. With every inhale you draw more of this energy down into yourself. As you draw down more of this energy you see the white light of the moons energy fill your solar plexus. As you draw down more and more of this energy you feel it spilling out and dispersing around your body. You can feel all of your internal organs and muscles being cleansed by this energy. As it travels along your chakras and out into your aura you feel amazing. You are sparkling from the inside out, you are filled with a beautiful pure white light energy from the moon. When you feel as though you have had enough thank the moon for charging and energising you and feel your strand of light detach from the moon and retract back into your solar plexus. Take three deep healing breaths and feel the energy flowing through you. Then slowly open your eyes.
After this meditation you may feel inspired to write, draw or do something creative. You may also notice you have very vivid dreams during the night.
Enjoy the moons energy tonight and trust that it is bringing us some much needed positive energy from the universe.
Welcome to Jezebel Dusk, a blog devoted to spirituality. Topics covered here will include meditation techniques, alternative healing therapies, twin flame relationships, cleansing and general wellbeing. Namaste
Monday, 14 November 2016
November Supermoon Extra High Energy
Friday, 21 October 2016
Have You Found Your True Twinflame Or Just A Soulmate
I recently came across this article, I found it very interesting to read and thought I'd share it with everyone. It's a very good read on distinguishing whether you have found your true twin flame or one of your soulmates.
It is likely that you will have many soul-mates who will cross your path at different times in your life. They come into your life at a point when you are ready to take the next step on your spiritual and life journey. Therefore, your soul-mate can be anybody; a boss, colleague, friend, family member or lover. Despite the different relationship types the core ingredient remains the same, being that they are part of your soul group. At another time, in another place you would have made a soul agreement with that person to meet again in this lifetime, so that you both can learn karmic lessons. With this in mind it is important to understand that your soul-mate is only intended to be with you for a short while. They hold your hand for part of your journey, letting go when lessons have been learned. This differs greatly from the image of soul-mates presented in the movies and romantic novels, where the soul-mates stay together forever: Making the soul-mate relationship the biggest myth and illusion of all time.
However, soul-mate relationships should never be dismissed. From all of the pain, the pleasure and challenge emerges your greatest opportunity for growth and spiritual development. In learning the lessons from your soul-mate relationship you can begin the process of moving on and healing; clearing away those blockages that previously prevented you from giving and receiving love unconditionally. It is only when you are able to do this that you will be ready to open your heart to the prospect of meeting your true love. That person who brings out the best in you; loves, supports and challenges you in a way that enables you to be the best possible version of yourself. This person is most commonly referred to as our Twin Flame.
As the name suggests your Twin Flame is, indeed your twin. Together you have balance; you compliment the strength and weaknesses of one another, coming together for a greater purpose whilst forming a strong partnership. This relationship is all about balance, love and harmony something that cannot be achieved when one, or both partners are still holding on those shadow aspects of themselves. Those shadow aspects being fear, negative thoughts and emotions. Your twin flame will enter your life when you are in that place where you no longer feel the need to dominate your lover or relationship, no longer fear rejection or no longer carry the expectation that every romantic partner is going to betray you. When you have let go of the love issues, patterns and behaviours from the past you free yourself up to experience the love of a lifetime that is right for you.
So, how can you use your soul-mate relationships to help you attract your twin flame into your life? Here are 5 steps you may want to follow:
1. Focus on yourself
If your soul-mate’s heart is not open and they are not ready to learn the lessons from this relationship or face up to the truth then you cannot change that. The only person that you have power over and who you can truly influence is yourself. So, this is where your focus should be. Then ask yourself: What are the patterns, thoughts, words and actions that I keep repeating in my love relationships? What am I learning here? What do I have to change about myself? Knowing the answers to these questions empowers you to begin taking responsibility for where things have previously gone wrong for you in previous relationships. In knowing the answers to these questions you begin to realise that you have nothing left to gain or lose by holding on, arriving at the next stage of the process which is moving on.
2. Move on
Moving on is often incredibly difficult, especially in a soul-mate relationship where the connection is instant and very intense. You will often find that one person is more reluctant to do this than the other, with the pull between the two of you being so strong that you have this on and off style relationship. But part of the process of focusing on yourself is recognising that you need to let go and move on from the other person in order to draw in your twin flame. In letting go and moving from your soul-mate you are both released, so that you can continue on your spiritual journey. By holding on you are blocking your own growth as well as that of the other person, causing unnecessary hurt and pain. Ultimately, this goes against the purpose of a soul-mate relationship which is to come together to learn karmic lessons, before letting go and moving on to become the best possible version of yourself.
3. Forgive but do not forget the lessons
One of the most important things to do is forgive the other person and yourself for the part that you both played in the relationship. This is especially important if the relationship ended acrimoniously. When you choose not to forgive, it is as good as holding on to all of the negativity and pain from that relationship, which can create blocks that prevent you from moving forward in your life. But, in forgiving do not forget you have learned about love and yourself. The Universe/God/Angels will test you as you encounter new lovers and relationships, sometimes placing you in scenarios, reminiscent to those experienced in your past. Often this is their way of testing you. They test to see if you have learned your lessons, moved on and to see if you are ready to be with your twin flame. How you respond to those challenges are up to you, nobody else. Your reaction is also symptomatic of whether or not you have learned your lessons. This will also be a reflection of how ready you are to allow true love into your heart and life.
4. Time to heal
To think that you will feel amazing and ready to fall in love again straight after moving on from your soul-mate is unrealistic. For many it takes time, anything from 3 months to a year or more, so take all the time you need to heal and fall in love with yourself again. You may want to take a break from relationships using this time to nurture yourself and focus on your passions in life. Some clients benefit from spiritual healing, such as Angelic Reiki Healing or other more traditional forms of Reiki. With Angelic Reiki Healing being a powerful way to clear any blocks and cut the karmic ties that bind you to your soul-mate. So, remember to take all the time you need to heal.
5. Faith, trust and positivity
There will often be times when you feel as if you made a mistake by walking away and moving on but this is just the ego trying to deceive you. The trick here is to say positive, keep the faith and belief in both yourself, as well as God/Universe/the angelic realm. This goes hand in hand with the law of attraction which states that you get back what you give out, making it especially important to think positive. I always say that your thoughts are your silent affirmations so keep your thoughts positive. In the early stages this will take a certain amount of conscious effort, where you will be actively stopping yourself when you have a negative thought and change this into a more positive thought. Affirmations are great for this and if used regularly can help you to get into this positive frame of mind. Crystals are also great at keeping you uplifted and positive, as they harness very powerful energy. Working with crystals such as Rose Quartz and Green Aventurine are known for their healing and soothing properties, helping to prepare you for love as well as enabling you to nurture those feelings of self love. Whereas Rhodochrosite, a beautiful rose coloured crystal and commonly known for drawing in your true love into your life, encourages a positive attitude whilst bringing our physical and spiritual self into alignment with one another. Choose whichever tool resonates with you, reminding yourself that the law of the Universe is that like attracts like. This means when you are positive and in a place of love you will draw more of this into your life.
Although it seems that the image of soul-mate relationships that you will have been fed all of these years is nothing but an illusion or a myth, it remains true that the essence of the image remains true. The essence being that feeling of being in a loving romantic partnership with your true love; that person, who loves you, respects you and supports you. These things are what truly matter. In order give yourself the best possible chance of finding this you need to be true to yourself, you need to take responsibility for yourself and have faith in love in all of its different facets.
Article originally written and published by Chanel at Om Times: http://omtimes.com/2013/02/manifest-your-twin-flame-the-5-step-guide/
Manifest Your Twin Flame
Your eyes meet across a crowded room and, for a moment, your heart skips a beat. As he strolls over you feel like the belle of the ball who is about the meet her real-life Prince Charming. He speaks. You respond, smiling sweetly butterflies swirling in your tummy. It’s like a scene from a Hollywood movie where the ordinary girl finally meets her soul-mate. The embrace at the end of the night confirms what you have felt all along: Finally you have met the one: Your soul-mate. Beautiful isn’t it? Or is it? You see anyone who has experienced a soul-mate relationship knows that the happy ending depicted in the Hollywood movies is nothing more than a myth. It’s an illusion that many of us spend years chasing, only to be left disappointed and heartbroken. The reality is that your soul-mate relationship will often be the relationship that gives you the most intense pleasure and passion, only to be shattered by the same intensity of challenge, pain and heartache. More often than not this will culminate in loss. The loss of a love that seemed so true and familiar, as well as a loss of one’s self. It hardly fits that rose-tinted image of the soul-mate relationship that you have dreamed of or yearned for.It is likely that you will have many soul-mates who will cross your path at different times in your life. They come into your life at a point when you are ready to take the next step on your spiritual and life journey. Therefore, your soul-mate can be anybody; a boss, colleague, friend, family member or lover. Despite the different relationship types the core ingredient remains the same, being that they are part of your soul group. At another time, in another place you would have made a soul agreement with that person to meet again in this lifetime, so that you both can learn karmic lessons. With this in mind it is important to understand that your soul-mate is only intended to be with you for a short while. They hold your hand for part of your journey, letting go when lessons have been learned. This differs greatly from the image of soul-mates presented in the movies and romantic novels, where the soul-mates stay together forever: Making the soul-mate relationship the biggest myth and illusion of all time.
However, soul-mate relationships should never be dismissed. From all of the pain, the pleasure and challenge emerges your greatest opportunity for growth and spiritual development. In learning the lessons from your soul-mate relationship you can begin the process of moving on and healing; clearing away those blockages that previously prevented you from giving and receiving love unconditionally. It is only when you are able to do this that you will be ready to open your heart to the prospect of meeting your true love. That person who brings out the best in you; loves, supports and challenges you in a way that enables you to be the best possible version of yourself. This person is most commonly referred to as our Twin Flame.
As the name suggests your Twin Flame is, indeed your twin. Together you have balance; you compliment the strength and weaknesses of one another, coming together for a greater purpose whilst forming a strong partnership. This relationship is all about balance, love and harmony something that cannot be achieved when one, or both partners are still holding on those shadow aspects of themselves. Those shadow aspects being fear, negative thoughts and emotions. Your twin flame will enter your life when you are in that place where you no longer feel the need to dominate your lover or relationship, no longer fear rejection or no longer carry the expectation that every romantic partner is going to betray you. When you have let go of the love issues, patterns and behaviours from the past you free yourself up to experience the love of a lifetime that is right for you.
So, how can you use your soul-mate relationships to help you attract your twin flame into your life? Here are 5 steps you may want to follow:
1. Focus on yourself
If your soul-mate’s heart is not open and they are not ready to learn the lessons from this relationship or face up to the truth then you cannot change that. The only person that you have power over and who you can truly influence is yourself. So, this is where your focus should be. Then ask yourself: What are the patterns, thoughts, words and actions that I keep repeating in my love relationships? What am I learning here? What do I have to change about myself? Knowing the answers to these questions empowers you to begin taking responsibility for where things have previously gone wrong for you in previous relationships. In knowing the answers to these questions you begin to realise that you have nothing left to gain or lose by holding on, arriving at the next stage of the process which is moving on.
2. Move on
Moving on is often incredibly difficult, especially in a soul-mate relationship where the connection is instant and very intense. You will often find that one person is more reluctant to do this than the other, with the pull between the two of you being so strong that you have this on and off style relationship. But part of the process of focusing on yourself is recognising that you need to let go and move on from the other person in order to draw in your twin flame. In letting go and moving from your soul-mate you are both released, so that you can continue on your spiritual journey. By holding on you are blocking your own growth as well as that of the other person, causing unnecessary hurt and pain. Ultimately, this goes against the purpose of a soul-mate relationship which is to come together to learn karmic lessons, before letting go and moving on to become the best possible version of yourself.
3. Forgive but do not forget the lessons
One of the most important things to do is forgive the other person and yourself for the part that you both played in the relationship. This is especially important if the relationship ended acrimoniously. When you choose not to forgive, it is as good as holding on to all of the negativity and pain from that relationship, which can create blocks that prevent you from moving forward in your life. But, in forgiving do not forget you have learned about love and yourself. The Universe/God/Angels will test you as you encounter new lovers and relationships, sometimes placing you in scenarios, reminiscent to those experienced in your past. Often this is their way of testing you. They test to see if you have learned your lessons, moved on and to see if you are ready to be with your twin flame. How you respond to those challenges are up to you, nobody else. Your reaction is also symptomatic of whether or not you have learned your lessons. This will also be a reflection of how ready you are to allow true love into your heart and life.
4. Time to heal
To think that you will feel amazing and ready to fall in love again straight after moving on from your soul-mate is unrealistic. For many it takes time, anything from 3 months to a year or more, so take all the time you need to heal and fall in love with yourself again. You may want to take a break from relationships using this time to nurture yourself and focus on your passions in life. Some clients benefit from spiritual healing, such as Angelic Reiki Healing or other more traditional forms of Reiki. With Angelic Reiki Healing being a powerful way to clear any blocks and cut the karmic ties that bind you to your soul-mate. So, remember to take all the time you need to heal.
5. Faith, trust and positivity
There will often be times when you feel as if you made a mistake by walking away and moving on but this is just the ego trying to deceive you. The trick here is to say positive, keep the faith and belief in both yourself, as well as God/Universe/the angelic realm. This goes hand in hand with the law of attraction which states that you get back what you give out, making it especially important to think positive. I always say that your thoughts are your silent affirmations so keep your thoughts positive. In the early stages this will take a certain amount of conscious effort, where you will be actively stopping yourself when you have a negative thought and change this into a more positive thought. Affirmations are great for this and if used regularly can help you to get into this positive frame of mind. Crystals are also great at keeping you uplifted and positive, as they harness very powerful energy. Working with crystals such as Rose Quartz and Green Aventurine are known for their healing and soothing properties, helping to prepare you for love as well as enabling you to nurture those feelings of self love. Whereas Rhodochrosite, a beautiful rose coloured crystal and commonly known for drawing in your true love into your life, encourages a positive attitude whilst bringing our physical and spiritual self into alignment with one another. Choose whichever tool resonates with you, reminding yourself that the law of the Universe is that like attracts like. This means when you are positive and in a place of love you will draw more of this into your life.
Although it seems that the image of soul-mate relationships that you will have been fed all of these years is nothing but an illusion or a myth, it remains true that the essence of the image remains true. The essence being that feeling of being in a loving romantic partnership with your true love; that person, who loves you, respects you and supports you. These things are what truly matter. In order give yourself the best possible chance of finding this you need to be true to yourself, you need to take responsibility for yourself and have faith in love in all of its different facets.
Article originally written and published by Chanel at Om Times: http://omtimes.com/2013/02/manifest-your-twin-flame-the-5-step-guide/
Saturday, 3 September 2016
Mercury In Retrograde August - September 2016
Yep, it's upon us once more the dreaded few weeks. Mercury has once again gone into retrograde. The retrograde began on August 30th and runs until September 22nd so expect the next few weeks to be somewhat chaotic.
Every year around three or four times the planet Mercury slows down on it's orbit. There comes a time when it has slowed down so significantly that it appears almost stationary and visually it'll look as though it is orbiting backwards, when infact it has just considerably slowed down. This is Mercury in retrograde.
For us earthlings
it may appear as though it has no effect on us but it does. When
Mercury is in retrograde everything that could possibly go wrong will no
doubt go wrong. Particularly anything to do with communication,
electronics and transportation.
When Mercury is in retrograde expect the following occurrences:
It is advised not to make any important decisions or plans when Mercury is in retrograde. Such as signing contracts, starting a new relationship, making travel plans, or scheduling important meetings. Instead this time should be used for quiet contemplation and reflection. Spend time meditating and walking in nature. Taking a more relaxed approach to life.
As well as mercury going into retrograde we also had the New Moon on September 1st. This happens every month, it is a life cycle. The New Moon is another time of quiet
contemplation. Breathe in deeply and move into a calm state of mind. Watch your own emotions come and go and to not allow them to influence you in this current time. Spend time meditating and practicing yoga and you'll see your life more clearly. The New Moon is a beginning so use this time of quiet contemplation to plan things, perhaps a new project or a new relationship you're eager to embark upon. As the moon moves into the waxing phase gradually start to put these plans into practice, by the time the full moon comes around on September 16th these ideas or projects should have begun. That is what you should usually do each month unless Mercury is in retrograde. When Mercury is in retrograde it may be a good idea to not jump into new projects or relationships. Instead wait and enjoy the quietness. Your mind will thank you for it.
So for the next few weeks allow extra time for your journeys, expect anything electronic to go on the fritz and prepare to have a little more chaos in your everyday life. In fact my browser has unexpectedly crashed and closed twice whilst writing this entry, a sign of things to come. Thanks Mercury.
Important Dates to remember:
Mercury in retrograde Aug 30th - Sept 22nd
New Moon Sept 1st
Full Moon Sept 16th Harvest moon
Autumn Equinox Sept 22nd
Every year around three or four times the planet Mercury slows down on it's orbit. There comes a time when it has slowed down so significantly that it appears almost stationary and visually it'll look as though it is orbiting backwards, when infact it has just considerably slowed down. This is Mercury in retrograde.
When Mercury is in retrograde expect the following occurrences:
- Computers Freezing
- Mobile phones having low/no signal
- Mobiles and tablets freezing, slowing down or encountering software issues
- Electronic equipment going on the fritz
- Travel Delays
- Car Trouble
- Short Term Memory Loss
- Lack of communication
- Trouble with electronic appliances
It is advised not to make any important decisions or plans when Mercury is in retrograde. Such as signing contracts, starting a new relationship, making travel plans, or scheduling important meetings. Instead this time should be used for quiet contemplation and reflection. Spend time meditating and walking in nature. Taking a more relaxed approach to life.
As well as mercury going into retrograde we also had the New Moon on September 1st. This happens every month, it is a life cycle. The New Moon is another time of quiet
contemplation. Breathe in deeply and move into a calm state of mind. Watch your own emotions come and go and to not allow them to influence you in this current time. Spend time meditating and practicing yoga and you'll see your life more clearly. The New Moon is a beginning so use this time of quiet contemplation to plan things, perhaps a new project or a new relationship you're eager to embark upon. As the moon moves into the waxing phase gradually start to put these plans into practice, by the time the full moon comes around on September 16th these ideas or projects should have begun. That is what you should usually do each month unless Mercury is in retrograde. When Mercury is in retrograde it may be a good idea to not jump into new projects or relationships. Instead wait and enjoy the quietness. Your mind will thank you for it.
So for the next few weeks allow extra time for your journeys, expect anything electronic to go on the fritz and prepare to have a little more chaos in your everyday life. In fact my browser has unexpectedly crashed and closed twice whilst writing this entry, a sign of things to come. Thanks Mercury.
Important Dates to remember:
Mercury in retrograde Aug 30th - Sept 22nd
New Moon Sept 1st
Full Moon Sept 16th Harvest moon
Autumn Equinox Sept 22nd
Thursday, 28 July 2016
Cleansing And Charging Your Crystals
In my last post I covered how to select the right crystals for you to use. So if you're new to crystals you may have noticed in my previous post I mentioned cleansing crystals. Likewise you could be someone who has collected crystals for years and never heard of cleansing them. So what is it and why should you do it?
We use crystals because of their energy, healing powers, protective powers, and their vibration. So to keep them running efficiently we need to cleanse them regularly. Crystals are natural minerals which absorb all kinds of energy. Some are a little more absorbent then others. If you use your crystals for healing you'll need to cleanse them much more often. If you keep one in your pocket at all times again it will need to be cleansed regularly. Providing you care for and store your crystals correctly ones you have lying around at home will not need as much cleansing. It's important to cleanse your crystals because of how they absorb energies. They will absorb positive and negative energies and if too much negative energy is stored inside it can cause the crystal to crack, shatter, break and even emit that negative energy. Crystals will absorb energy from being held or just being kept in a room, anyone who visits you will leave energy which is then absorbed by the crystal. If you have a crystal you carry in your pocket and whilst out and about you come into contact with arguments, accidents or just rude people in general the crystal will absorb that energy and store it.
There are about as many different ways to cleanse crystals as there are crystals. So I'll explain the more well known ways of doing this.
Cleansing With Water
The simplest, quickest and easiest way of cleansing crystals. Simply hold them under a cold running tap, or in a bowl of cold water. You can add sea salt to the bowl for added cleansing if you wish otherwise water alone is fine. You can also use lukewarm water if you prefer. As you gently wash each crystal with your hand say either mentally or outloud "Negative Energies Leave This Stone" followed by "May You be Used For The Highest Good, May You Be Used In Light And In Love" then place the crystal onto a piece of kitchen roll to dry naturally.
This method is ideal for cleansing tumbled polished stones and most rough natural crystals. However some crystals whether tumbled or not will dissolve if immersed in water or even getting wet at all. The well known crystals which should NEVER be cleansed using water are:
Cleansing Using Incense
Another very popular way of cleansing crystals is to use certain incense to cleanse them. This technique is very good because the smoke will draw out the negative energies. The two best incenses to use purely for cleansing are Sage or Frankincense & Myrhh. Personally I dislike the smell of sage so I use Frankincense and Myrhh for my cleansing. To use either of these choose which one you'd prefer and light it. You can use natural sage, joss sticks, resins, dry herbs whichever you prefer. I usually choose Nitiraj Gold Frankincense and myrhh joss sticks. Once the smoke is flowing upwards in a straight line hold your crystal directly in the line of smoke, if the crystal is clear of negative energy the smoke will nicely surround it and flow through it. If the smoke avoids or or swirls away or speeds up there is negativity within the crystal. Continue holding it directly in the smoke until the smoke surrounds the crystal nice and slowly.
The good thing about choosing this method is that you can use it on absolutely any crystal, tumbled or rough and it will cause no harm or damage to the crystal.
Tibetan Singing Bowl Method
Tibetan singing bowls can be tricky to master. However when done correctly they produce a truly beautiful sound which is used to uplift and purify the energy in a room, crystal or wherever needed. To use this method lay your crystals out on a table top or cloth and just make a sound with the bowl your crystals will then be cleansed by the vibration of the sound.
Using The White Light
This is one which is practiced by advanced spiritualists, reiki healers, crystal healers or mediums. This is done by holding the crystal enclose in your hands and whilst in a meditative state draw the beautiful, pure, bright light from your higher crown chakra directly into the core of the crystal. Envisage the white light bathing the crystal and cleansing it.
Intensive Cleansing
Sometimes crystals contain a very bad negative energy, it may have been held by an extremely negative person or just been within the vicinity of negativity. Sometimes it can also feel as though the power and vibration has been sucked out of the crystal causing them to feel empty. Sometimes a crystal can crack due to negativity. Sometimes they just don't feel right or quite how they used to. In this circumstances your crystal requires intensive cleansing which can only be performed by qualified practitioners such as myself, or other qualified crystal healers.
There are some crystals which technically never require cleansing as they have the ability to cleanse themselves by dissipating negative energy. Personally I prefer to cleanse all crystals whether they need it or not and it will do absolutely no harm to cleanse these crystals. The following crystals are self cleansing and technically never requite cleansing unless you choose to.
Once your crystals are cleansed they need charging. Again there are various way of doing this. If for example you choose to use a tumblestone for one of it's healing attributes you can program it to do just that one thing. As an example I'll use Blue Lace Agate for lowering a fever. You will begin by cleansing it with whichever method you choose then hold the crystal, close your eyes and mentally tell it what you want it to do i.e "You will be used for lowering fevers" if using rose Quartz to attract love you'd say "You will open my heart to receiving love and attract a lover to me" etc you get the idea.
If you just want to use your crystals for general usage then these methods are perfect as they will raise the crystals energy and make them feel much more powerful.
Especially after cleansing, many crystals will love to sunbathe and dry off in the sun. The suns energy will raise their vibrations and cause them to feel vibrant and full of life. To energise and charge your crystals this way simply place them outside or on a windowsill in direct sunlight for an hour or two. However there are a handful of crystals which can fade in sunlight, usually if left in direct sunlight for extended periods of time so for these crystals 10 to 20 minutes is an adequate time to leave them in the sunshine and when storing store in bags or boxes out of direct sunlight
All crystals love to absorb the moons energy. The night of the full moon is the best time to leave your crystals out to be charged and energised by the moon. You can place them out the night prior to the full moon and leaving them in place for the consecutive three nights, except the ones which will posibly fade during the daytime sunlight. To charge your crystals using the moons energy either place your crystals outside if possible or place them on the windowsill where they will be in the moonlight. Moonstone especially enjoys being charged this way as does Obsidian but any crystal can be charged via the moon safely.
Whichever method you choose to use cleansing and charging your crystals is something you should do whenever you feel it is necessary. If you cleanse a lot of crystals in one go you will find yourself feeling very energised, if you handle too many crystals at once though you may well end up with an energy headache so do your cleansing in moderation.
We use crystals because of their energy, healing powers, protective powers, and their vibration. So to keep them running efficiently we need to cleanse them regularly. Crystals are natural minerals which absorb all kinds of energy. Some are a little more absorbent then others. If you use your crystals for healing you'll need to cleanse them much more often. If you keep one in your pocket at all times again it will need to be cleansed regularly. Providing you care for and store your crystals correctly ones you have lying around at home will not need as much cleansing. It's important to cleanse your crystals because of how they absorb energies. They will absorb positive and negative energies and if too much negative energy is stored inside it can cause the crystal to crack, shatter, break and even emit that negative energy. Crystals will absorb energy from being held or just being kept in a room, anyone who visits you will leave energy which is then absorbed by the crystal. If you have a crystal you carry in your pocket and whilst out and about you come into contact with arguments, accidents or just rude people in general the crystal will absorb that energy and store it.
There are about as many different ways to cleanse crystals as there are crystals. So I'll explain the more well known ways of doing this.
Cleansing With Water
The simplest, quickest and easiest way of cleansing crystals. Simply hold them under a cold running tap, or in a bowl of cold water. You can add sea salt to the bowl for added cleansing if you wish otherwise water alone is fine. You can also use lukewarm water if you prefer. As you gently wash each crystal with your hand say either mentally or outloud "Negative Energies Leave This Stone" followed by "May You be Used For The Highest Good, May You Be Used In Light And In Love" then place the crystal onto a piece of kitchen roll to dry naturally.
This method is ideal for cleansing tumbled polished stones and most rough natural crystals. However some crystals whether tumbled or not will dissolve if immersed in water or even getting wet at all. The well known crystals which should NEVER be cleansed using water are:
- Selentie
- Aragonite
- Desert Rose
- Himalayan Salt (salt lamps)
- Malachite
- Mica
- Kyanite
- Any crystal in a natural geode or with attached rock.
- Rough Tourmaline with Mica
Tumbled/Polished crystals |
Another very popular way of cleansing crystals is to use certain incense to cleanse them. This technique is very good because the smoke will draw out the negative energies. The two best incenses to use purely for cleansing are Sage or Frankincense & Myrhh. Personally I dislike the smell of sage so I use Frankincense and Myrhh for my cleansing. To use either of these choose which one you'd prefer and light it. You can use natural sage, joss sticks, resins, dry herbs whichever you prefer. I usually choose Nitiraj Gold Frankincense and myrhh joss sticks. Once the smoke is flowing upwards in a straight line hold your crystal directly in the line of smoke, if the crystal is clear of negative energy the smoke will nicely surround it and flow through it. If the smoke avoids or or swirls away or speeds up there is negativity within the crystal. Continue holding it directly in the smoke until the smoke surrounds the crystal nice and slowly.
The good thing about choosing this method is that you can use it on absolutely any crystal, tumbled or rough and it will cause no harm or damage to the crystal.
Rough Crystal |
Tibetan Singing Bowl Method
Tibetan singing bowls can be tricky to master. However when done correctly they produce a truly beautiful sound which is used to uplift and purify the energy in a room, crystal or wherever needed. To use this method lay your crystals out on a table top or cloth and just make a sound with the bowl your crystals will then be cleansed by the vibration of the sound.
Using The White Light
This is one which is practiced by advanced spiritualists, reiki healers, crystal healers or mediums. This is done by holding the crystal enclose in your hands and whilst in a meditative state draw the beautiful, pure, bright light from your higher crown chakra directly into the core of the crystal. Envisage the white light bathing the crystal and cleansing it.
Intensive Cleansing
Sometimes crystals contain a very bad negative energy, it may have been held by an extremely negative person or just been within the vicinity of negativity. Sometimes it can also feel as though the power and vibration has been sucked out of the crystal causing them to feel empty. Sometimes a crystal can crack due to negativity. Sometimes they just don't feel right or quite how they used to. In this circumstances your crystal requires intensive cleansing which can only be performed by qualified practitioners such as myself, or other qualified crystal healers.
There are some crystals which technically never require cleansing as they have the ability to cleanse themselves by dissipating negative energy. Personally I prefer to cleanse all crystals whether they need it or not and it will do absolutely no harm to cleanse these crystals. The following crystals are self cleansing and technically never requite cleansing unless you choose to.
- Black Tourmaline
- Black Obsidian
- Amber
- Kyanite
- Citrine
Once your crystals are cleansed they need charging. Again there are various way of doing this. If for example you choose to use a tumblestone for one of it's healing attributes you can program it to do just that one thing. As an example I'll use Blue Lace Agate for lowering a fever. You will begin by cleansing it with whichever method you choose then hold the crystal, close your eyes and mentally tell it what you want it to do i.e "You will be used for lowering fevers" if using rose Quartz to attract love you'd say "You will open my heart to receiving love and attract a lover to me" etc you get the idea.
If you just want to use your crystals for general usage then these methods are perfect as they will raise the crystals energy and make them feel much more powerful.
Especially after cleansing, many crystals will love to sunbathe and dry off in the sun. The suns energy will raise their vibrations and cause them to feel vibrant and full of life. To energise and charge your crystals this way simply place them outside or on a windowsill in direct sunlight for an hour or two. However there are a handful of crystals which can fade in sunlight, usually if left in direct sunlight for extended periods of time so for these crystals 10 to 20 minutes is an adequate time to leave them in the sunshine and when storing store in bags or boxes out of direct sunlight
- Fluorite (will fade very fast)
- Amethyst
- Citrine
- Rose quartz
- Ametrine
- Apophyllite
- Aquamarine
- Celestite
All crystals love to absorb the moons energy. The night of the full moon is the best time to leave your crystals out to be charged and energised by the moon. You can place them out the night prior to the full moon and leaving them in place for the consecutive three nights, except the ones which will posibly fade during the daytime sunlight. To charge your crystals using the moons energy either place your crystals outside if possible or place them on the windowsill where they will be in the moonlight. Moonstone especially enjoys being charged this way as does Obsidian but any crystal can be charged via the moon safely.
Whichever method you choose to use cleansing and charging your crystals is something you should do whenever you feel it is necessary. If you cleanse a lot of crystals in one go you will find yourself feeling very energised, if you handle too many crystals at once though you may well end up with an energy headache so do your cleansing in moderation.
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
How To Carefully Select The Right Crystal
Crystals or gemstones as they are sometimes called are one of the most beneficial and versatile tools you could possibly have. They can be used for healing, for specific ailments, or can be used in everyday situations.
This is the first blog in a series I'll be writing on the many benefits of crystals. In upcoming blogs I'll highlight crystals to be used for certain benefits, crystal care and some simple crystal healing techniques. But before you can do anything with crystals you need to have selected your own ones to begin using. So how do you go about that?
There are a number of ways to select crystals and they are becoming more readilly available then they were a decade ago. There are a few decent shops scattered around which stock them but be careful. Crystals will absorb all energy they come into contact with be it positive or negative. So if you do pick up your crystals from shops make sure you cleanse them as soon as you get home, more on that in the next blog.
Selecting a crystal can be daunting, there are literally thousands to choose from, all with different attributes. One way of choosing crystals that I recommend using if your visiting a shop is just to simply hover your hand over the display and see where you get drawn. You may get a tingle, or more often then not a feeling of warm energy. Once you've found the crystals that are calling you hold a few of the same crystal. The one that's meant for you will get hot in your hand. If it remains cold put it back into the display, if it gets warm then that's your crystal.
Similarly you may just find yourself drawn to certain crystals. Personally I'm a sucker for Calcite and Rose Quartz and it is common to end up with various pieces of the same crystal in your collection. The downside with choosing crystals in a shop is that one many people may have held them previously meaning their energies are in the crystal, also some shops are very overpriced. Some rarer crystals are a little more expensive but you shouldn't ever pay over the odds.
Nowadays I purchase most of my crystals online at http://www.crystalage.com a UK based online shop. I've never experienced any issues with any of their crystals and you usually receive them the next day. Of course it is important to still cleanse them on delivery. So if your going down the online route you can't select them by heat but as you browse you will find yourself drawn to certain crystals. It may be your favourite colour, or perhaps it just stands out to you on the page. If it grabs your attention then it is your crystal so go ahead and treat yourself. Remember there is no such thing as a coincedence so the crystal you receive will be the one that is meant for you. That's one of the reasons I like shopping online for crystals. You will receive the one that is meant for you. Also Crystal Age is the most reasonably priced online store I've ever found, they also have the option of buying drilled tumblestones which can be easilly threaded onto a cord and worn as a necklace.
Before anyone asks no I am not being paid to say that as everything I write on this blog is my own personal opinions and recommendations.
It doesn't matter how many crystals you start off with, you could even buy a selection pack and have a small collection instantly. Once you start your collection you can continue to grow it and you'll soon find that over time you will acquire many more crystals.
Unfortunately sometimes crystals don't stay with us, they come to us when we need them. For example I cannot find any of my pieces of tourmaline lately, even the piece I always keep in my pocket. I cannot find it anywhere. It has happened before a few years ago and Tourmaline is renound for disappearing, but it does come back when it's needed. This happens with quite a few crystals. Where they go is a mystery. I think our spirit guides take them to re-energise them as when you do find them they are where you've looked hundreds of times.
So on that note Happy Crystal Shopping.
This is the first blog in a series I'll be writing on the many benefits of crystals. In upcoming blogs I'll highlight crystals to be used for certain benefits, crystal care and some simple crystal healing techniques. But before you can do anything with crystals you need to have selected your own ones to begin using. So how do you go about that?
There are a number of ways to select crystals and they are becoming more readilly available then they were a decade ago. There are a few decent shops scattered around which stock them but be careful. Crystals will absorb all energy they come into contact with be it positive or negative. So if you do pick up your crystals from shops make sure you cleanse them as soon as you get home, more on that in the next blog.
Selecting a crystal can be daunting, there are literally thousands to choose from, all with different attributes. One way of choosing crystals that I recommend using if your visiting a shop is just to simply hover your hand over the display and see where you get drawn. You may get a tingle, or more often then not a feeling of warm energy. Once you've found the crystals that are calling you hold a few of the same crystal. The one that's meant for you will get hot in your hand. If it remains cold put it back into the display, if it gets warm then that's your crystal.
Similarly you may just find yourself drawn to certain crystals. Personally I'm a sucker for Calcite and Rose Quartz and it is common to end up with various pieces of the same crystal in your collection. The downside with choosing crystals in a shop is that one many people may have held them previously meaning their energies are in the crystal, also some shops are very overpriced. Some rarer crystals are a little more expensive but you shouldn't ever pay over the odds.
Nowadays I purchase most of my crystals online at http://www.crystalage.com a UK based online shop. I've never experienced any issues with any of their crystals and you usually receive them the next day. Of course it is important to still cleanse them on delivery. So if your going down the online route you can't select them by heat but as you browse you will find yourself drawn to certain crystals. It may be your favourite colour, or perhaps it just stands out to you on the page. If it grabs your attention then it is your crystal so go ahead and treat yourself. Remember there is no such thing as a coincedence so the crystal you receive will be the one that is meant for you. That's one of the reasons I like shopping online for crystals. You will receive the one that is meant for you. Also Crystal Age is the most reasonably priced online store I've ever found, they also have the option of buying drilled tumblestones which can be easilly threaded onto a cord and worn as a necklace.
Before anyone asks no I am not being paid to say that as everything I write on this blog is my own personal opinions and recommendations.
It doesn't matter how many crystals you start off with, you could even buy a selection pack and have a small collection instantly. Once you start your collection you can continue to grow it and you'll soon find that over time you will acquire many more crystals.
Unfortunately sometimes crystals don't stay with us, they come to us when we need them. For example I cannot find any of my pieces of tourmaline lately, even the piece I always keep in my pocket. I cannot find it anywhere. It has happened before a few years ago and Tourmaline is renound for disappearing, but it does come back when it's needed. This happens with quite a few crystals. Where they go is a mystery. I think our spirit guides take them to re-energise them as when you do find them they are where you've looked hundreds of times.
So on that note Happy Crystal Shopping.
Monday, 30 May 2016
In the powwow with Jezebel Dusk
Little Q&A I took part in recently on an Internet forum who have kindly allowed me to share it on here. Enjoy.
Since starting her blog on all things spiritual Jezebel Dusk back in September 2015 Jezebel Dusk's blog has grown and grown. She has inspired many with her simple meditation techniques for beginners through to enlightening us on the twin flame relationships. The twin flame posts being the most read, closely followed by the posts on meditation. Today she joined us for a Q&A in our chatroom.
So to start off with can you tell us what first inspired you to begin this blog?
It was something I had often thought about doing but in all honesty I just hadn't gotten around to it. It got to the point where a lot of people had begun asking me for my opinion and advice on various topics that I finally decided that I had something to say that would interest and benefit a lot of people. What I didn't want to do was create a blog that was so intense and so deep that nobody would be able to understand it so whenever I write a post I try to make it as easy to digest as possible. For example I know a lot more advanced meditation techniques but if I were to post those techniques without first sharing simple ones suitable for beginners I would have ended up with a lot of confused readers who would be unable to practice the techniques and therefor never gain the benefit of it.
So is it assumed then that your blog is aimed at beginners?
Not at all, I like to make my blog suitable for all from complete beginners to more advanced people. The reason I started off with simple techniques was so that if someone was to stumble onto one of my meditation posts for example and really struggled to keep the focus or not being able to visualise it they could then look back at the earlier techniques to try instead.
What about the title Jezebel Dusk where did that originate from?
Well Jezebel Dusk was a name that I had used before in my writing, a pen name if you will. Which I actually came up with when trying to come up with character names for one of my novels it sounded good and I liked it but it wasn't quite right for the character so instead I wrote it down and came back to it later ultimately using the name myself. When it came to creating my blog I could not find a title that I liked. Everything sounded gimmicky or tacky or I thought wouldn't suit the content of the blog so I tried just Jezebel Dusk and it's worked really well so far.
How did your own spiritual journey begin? Did you have an awakening or enlightenment?
I think it's always been a part of me really. My families heritage is Cherokee Native American which is very spiritual so from that perspective it's always been a part of my life. As a child I always had an affinity with nature and was able to sense the presence of spirits from the age of seven. I suppose I only really started following a spiritual lifestyle in my early twenties when I began meditating and using crystals. Since then I've learnt a lot from a lot of different people and have therefor evolved as a human but also as a spirit and infinitely we are all beings of light.
Many people speak of following a specific path or religion, what do you class yourself as?
As a child I was raised as a Christian, I attended a very strict catholic school which was run and taught by nuns in a convent. I was even asked to consider becoming a nun when I left school. I always found the whole thing very uncomfortable and I knew in my heart it just wasn't for me. Personally I don't believe in God and I don't believe a word that is in the bible because my argument always was that the bible was written over 2000 years ago in a completely different language by people who didn't even know how to write. So from that perspective I find the whole thing incredibly unreliable.
Nowadays I don't follow any particular religion as such. I instead prefer to take the bits that are relevant to me from different religions. I follow Buddhism and Paganism as I really like that both of these don't worship one particular being, instead they are more of a lifestyle choice, with valuable teachings.For me it's more about understanding nature and animals and using nature to aid ourselves. As for Buddhism I really find the teachings of the Buddha inspiring. I also still practice quite a lot of Native American shamanism as well as that is my heritage.
If you don't believe in God what do you think is out there? Heaven? Hell?
I don't believe in God. In Native American beliefs it's said that we have Mother Earth and Father sky. For me personally I believe in the Goddess as Mother Earth, but what I really like is in paganism the goddess isn't one sole being she is many different beings. I strongly believe in the higher powers and ultimately the source which I think is a dragon but that's just my opinion. I believe that there is good and evil in this world and both are necessary to keep the balance.
You've said yourself you've had a tough year so far, with so much negativity in the world how do you manage to still be so upbeat and happy?
It's fucking hard work. Yes I have had a turbulent year so far, in fact it's probably been one of my toughest but it's been the same for everyone. At the moment there is so much hatred in the world and so much negativity that it is our duty to try to rectify that. My motto that I live by in life is that "everything happens for a reason" which is very very true.
Ultimately life is a cycle and unfortunately we have to go through ups and downs. It's part of life and the way to get through it is to look at the situation, understand that it's happened and there's no way you can change what's happened so learn from it and carry on. Everything in this entire world is connected. If you look at a spiders web every strand is connected. If you then pluck just one strand the effect is felt throughout the whole web. The same goes in life. On this planet everything is connected by the web of life and just one small act of good and kindness will travel through and along the web. Ultimately making the world a little more bearable. It works both ways if you are emiting negative energy then you are spreading that energy along the web. Whereas if you are happy and living your life for the greatest good then those little bits of light emitting from you will be felt along the entire world.
In today's day and age we see everyday on the news tragedies, people being killed, so much negativity. How can we off set this?
That's the first mistake. Reading the news. Before I would spend over an hour each day reading the news and would ultimately end up feeling depressed. I no longer read the news for that reason. Yes there is a lot of negativity and hatred in this world but at the same time there is still a lot of good. Unfortunately it is very rare for happy stories to be in the news so for me I find the daily news very one sided and focuses solely on bad news. I do read the odd story I stumble across while browsing Twitter but that's about it.
You've spoken a lot about the twin flame relationship why is it so important to find your twin flame and why are so many people struggling to find theirs?
The twin flame relationship is something I feel very strongly about and ironically it's the one topic which draws the most visitors to my site particularly the post I did on twin flame telepathy and signs you've found your twin flame. The twin flame relationship is so important for the future of our world. Alone there is only so much good we can do. If we're lucky enough to find our twin flame imagine how much stronger you'd become together and how much more good you could do.
A lot of people struggle to find their twin flame as quite often one twin refuses to believe that they have found their twin flame and will convince their self any way they can that its not right. These are called runner twins and its part of the twin flame relationship. When you do meet in the physical world you will both feel it. Then one may dismiss the feelings and convince themselves it isn't their twin flame. Sometimes they convince themselves that someone else is their twin flame even subconsciously they can do this. When in their heart they will know because they will feel it just like you do. It's important to notice any coincedences, any similarities. Numbers particularly are very synchronised and many twinflames may have very similar phone numbers, door numbers. Twinflames also pick up on eachothers feelings and thoughts. Even if they haven't met. You can always send your twinflame love and they will feel it in their heart.
You've posted a few tarot readings and occassionaly share tarot cards on Instagram, how long have you been reading tarot?
It's exactly three years this month since I learnt tarot. It has been something I wanted to learn for a long time and over the years I had bought many decks, read books, was shown meanings by other readers and it just never sunk in. Until three years ago I picked up the deck I currently use which I'd had for about four years and decided to learn them. I learnt the major arcana first and studied one card every day. I'd look at the picture closely and read the book and within a few months I'd learnt the deck. After many hours of practice I started offering readings.
Do you offer readings to anyone?
Whoever wants one can have one. I do readings via email for people who don't live in London or who prefer email readings.
How often do you personally practice meditation?
everyday, even if its just for ten minutes before I go to sleep.
Finally there are thousands of books available on spirituality, it gets confusing. Are there any you could personally recommend. Also will you ever write a spiritual book yourself?
There are literally thousands out there, the best way is to find something which appeals to you. I have a few essential books I can recommend.
The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle is a must, it's not so much spiritual but a way of living by only focussing on the present moment.
I'm currently reading Your Souls Gift by Robert Schwartz I'd also recommend his first book Your Souls Plan.
As for me, there are currently no plans at the moment for me to write a book on spirituality but never say never.
Since starting her blog on all things spiritual Jezebel Dusk back in September 2015 Jezebel Dusk's blog has grown and grown. She has inspired many with her simple meditation techniques for beginners through to enlightening us on the twin flame relationships. The twin flame posts being the most read, closely followed by the posts on meditation. Today she joined us for a Q&A in our chatroom.
So to start off with can you tell us what first inspired you to begin this blog?
It was something I had often thought about doing but in all honesty I just hadn't gotten around to it. It got to the point where a lot of people had begun asking me for my opinion and advice on various topics that I finally decided that I had something to say that would interest and benefit a lot of people. What I didn't want to do was create a blog that was so intense and so deep that nobody would be able to understand it so whenever I write a post I try to make it as easy to digest as possible. For example I know a lot more advanced meditation techniques but if I were to post those techniques without first sharing simple ones suitable for beginners I would have ended up with a lot of confused readers who would be unable to practice the techniques and therefor never gain the benefit of it.
So is it assumed then that your blog is aimed at beginners?
Not at all, I like to make my blog suitable for all from complete beginners to more advanced people. The reason I started off with simple techniques was so that if someone was to stumble onto one of my meditation posts for example and really struggled to keep the focus or not being able to visualise it they could then look back at the earlier techniques to try instead.
What about the title Jezebel Dusk where did that originate from?
Well Jezebel Dusk was a name that I had used before in my writing, a pen name if you will. Which I actually came up with when trying to come up with character names for one of my novels it sounded good and I liked it but it wasn't quite right for the character so instead I wrote it down and came back to it later ultimately using the name myself. When it came to creating my blog I could not find a title that I liked. Everything sounded gimmicky or tacky or I thought wouldn't suit the content of the blog so I tried just Jezebel Dusk and it's worked really well so far.
How did your own spiritual journey begin? Did you have an awakening or enlightenment?
I think it's always been a part of me really. My families heritage is Cherokee Native American which is very spiritual so from that perspective it's always been a part of my life. As a child I always had an affinity with nature and was able to sense the presence of spirits from the age of seven. I suppose I only really started following a spiritual lifestyle in my early twenties when I began meditating and using crystals. Since then I've learnt a lot from a lot of different people and have therefor evolved as a human but also as a spirit and infinitely we are all beings of light.
Many people speak of following a specific path or religion, what do you class yourself as?
As a child I was raised as a Christian, I attended a very strict catholic school which was run and taught by nuns in a convent. I was even asked to consider becoming a nun when I left school. I always found the whole thing very uncomfortable and I knew in my heart it just wasn't for me. Personally I don't believe in God and I don't believe a word that is in the bible because my argument always was that the bible was written over 2000 years ago in a completely different language by people who didn't even know how to write. So from that perspective I find the whole thing incredibly unreliable.
Nowadays I don't follow any particular religion as such. I instead prefer to take the bits that are relevant to me from different religions. I follow Buddhism and Paganism as I really like that both of these don't worship one particular being, instead they are more of a lifestyle choice, with valuable teachings.For me it's more about understanding nature and animals and using nature to aid ourselves. As for Buddhism I really find the teachings of the Buddha inspiring. I also still practice quite a lot of Native American shamanism as well as that is my heritage.
If you don't believe in God what do you think is out there? Heaven? Hell?
I don't believe in God. In Native American beliefs it's said that we have Mother Earth and Father sky. For me personally I believe in the Goddess as Mother Earth, but what I really like is in paganism the goddess isn't one sole being she is many different beings. I strongly believe in the higher powers and ultimately the source which I think is a dragon but that's just my opinion. I believe that there is good and evil in this world and both are necessary to keep the balance.
You've said yourself you've had a tough year so far, with so much negativity in the world how do you manage to still be so upbeat and happy?
It's fucking hard work. Yes I have had a turbulent year so far, in fact it's probably been one of my toughest but it's been the same for everyone. At the moment there is so much hatred in the world and so much negativity that it is our duty to try to rectify that. My motto that I live by in life is that "everything happens for a reason" which is very very true.
Ultimately life is a cycle and unfortunately we have to go through ups and downs. It's part of life and the way to get through it is to look at the situation, understand that it's happened and there's no way you can change what's happened so learn from it and carry on. Everything in this entire world is connected. If you look at a spiders web every strand is connected. If you then pluck just one strand the effect is felt throughout the whole web. The same goes in life. On this planet everything is connected by the web of life and just one small act of good and kindness will travel through and along the web. Ultimately making the world a little more bearable. It works both ways if you are emiting negative energy then you are spreading that energy along the web. Whereas if you are happy and living your life for the greatest good then those little bits of light emitting from you will be felt along the entire world.
In today's day and age we see everyday on the news tragedies, people being killed, so much negativity. How can we off set this?
That's the first mistake. Reading the news. Before I would spend over an hour each day reading the news and would ultimately end up feeling depressed. I no longer read the news for that reason. Yes there is a lot of negativity and hatred in this world but at the same time there is still a lot of good. Unfortunately it is very rare for happy stories to be in the news so for me I find the daily news very one sided and focuses solely on bad news. I do read the odd story I stumble across while browsing Twitter but that's about it.
You've spoken a lot about the twin flame relationship why is it so important to find your twin flame and why are so many people struggling to find theirs?
The twin flame relationship is something I feel very strongly about and ironically it's the one topic which draws the most visitors to my site particularly the post I did on twin flame telepathy and signs you've found your twin flame. The twin flame relationship is so important for the future of our world. Alone there is only so much good we can do. If we're lucky enough to find our twin flame imagine how much stronger you'd become together and how much more good you could do.
A lot of people struggle to find their twin flame as quite often one twin refuses to believe that they have found their twin flame and will convince their self any way they can that its not right. These are called runner twins and its part of the twin flame relationship. When you do meet in the physical world you will both feel it. Then one may dismiss the feelings and convince themselves it isn't their twin flame. Sometimes they convince themselves that someone else is their twin flame even subconsciously they can do this. When in their heart they will know because they will feel it just like you do. It's important to notice any coincedences, any similarities. Numbers particularly are very synchronised and many twinflames may have very similar phone numbers, door numbers. Twinflames also pick up on eachothers feelings and thoughts. Even if they haven't met. You can always send your twinflame love and they will feel it in their heart.
You've posted a few tarot readings and occassionaly share tarot cards on Instagram, how long have you been reading tarot?
It's exactly three years this month since I learnt tarot. It has been something I wanted to learn for a long time and over the years I had bought many decks, read books, was shown meanings by other readers and it just never sunk in. Until three years ago I picked up the deck I currently use which I'd had for about four years and decided to learn them. I learnt the major arcana first and studied one card every day. I'd look at the picture closely and read the book and within a few months I'd learnt the deck. After many hours of practice I started offering readings.
Do you offer readings to anyone?
Whoever wants one can have one. I do readings via email for people who don't live in London or who prefer email readings.
How often do you personally practice meditation?
everyday, even if its just for ten minutes before I go to sleep.
Finally there are thousands of books available on spirituality, it gets confusing. Are there any you could personally recommend. Also will you ever write a spiritual book yourself?
There are literally thousands out there, the best way is to find something which appeals to you. I have a few essential books I can recommend.
The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle is a must, it's not so much spiritual but a way of living by only focussing on the present moment.
I'm currently reading Your Souls Gift by Robert Schwartz I'd also recommend his first book Your Souls Plan.
As for me, there are currently no plans at the moment for me to write a book on spirituality but never say never.
Wednesday, 27 April 2016
Uh Oh Mercury Is Going Into Retrograde
If you've got something important to do it's best to do it today, as tomorrow Mercury will be in retrograde once again making our lives here on earth chaotic. If you know what this means you'll be thinking "Oh no here we go again" if you've never heard of it before read on and it'll all make a little more sense.
Every year around three or four times the planet Mercury slows down on it's orbit. There comes a time when it has slowed down so significantly that it appears almost stationary and visually it'll look as though it is orbiting backwards, when infact it has just considerably slowed down. This is Mercury in retrograde.
For us earthlings
it may appear as though it has no effect on us but it does. When
Mercury is in retrograde everything that could possibly go wrong will no
doubt go wrong. Particularly anything to do with communication,
electronics and transportation.
When Mercury is in retrograde expect the following occurences:
It is advised not to make any important decisions or plans when Mercury is in retrograde. Such as signing contracts, starting a new relationship, making travel plans, or scheduling important meetings. Instead this time should be used for quiet contemplation and reflection. Spend time meditating and walking in nature. Taking a more relaxed approach to life.
On May 6th we also have a new moon throwing even more emotions into the mix.
This happens every month, it is a life cycle. The New Moon is another time of quiet contemplation. Breathe in deeply and move into a calm state of mind. Watch your own emotions come and go and to not allow them to influence you in this current time. Spend time meditating and practicing yoga and you'll see your life more clearly. The New Moon is a beginning so use this time of quiet contemplation to plan things, perhaps a new project or a new relationship you're eager to embark upon. As the moon moves into the waxing phase gradually start to put these plans into practice, by the time the full moon comes around on May 21st these ideas or projects should have begun. That is what you should usually do each month unless Mercury is in retrograde.
When Mercury is in retrograde it may be a good idea to not jump into new projects or relationships. Instead wait and enjoy the quietness. Your mind will thank you for it.
So for the next few weeks allow extra time for your journeys, expect anything electronic to go on the fritz and prepare to have a little more chaos in your everyday life. In fact my browser has unexpectedly crashed and closed twice whilst writing this entry, a sign of things to come. Thanks Mercury.
Mercury goes into retrograde on April 28th until May 22nd incorporating both a new and full moon phase. The next new moon is on May 6th and the Next Full moon the flower moon will be on May 21st.
While Mercury is in retrograde I'll be choosing and sharing a daily tarot or oracle card on Instagram. Instagram name: teriwarke
Every year around three or four times the planet Mercury slows down on it's orbit. There comes a time when it has slowed down so significantly that it appears almost stationary and visually it'll look as though it is orbiting backwards, when infact it has just considerably slowed down. This is Mercury in retrograde.
When Mercury is in retrograde expect the following occurences:
- Computers Freezing
- Mobile phones having low/no signal
- Mobiles and tablets freezing, slowing down or encountering software issues
- Electronic equipment going on the fritz
- Travel Delays
- Car Trouble
- Short Term Memory Loss
- Lack of communication
- Trouble with electronic appliances
It is advised not to make any important decisions or plans when Mercury is in retrograde. Such as signing contracts, starting a new relationship, making travel plans, or scheduling important meetings. Instead this time should be used for quiet contemplation and reflection. Spend time meditating and walking in nature. Taking a more relaxed approach to life.
On May 6th we also have a new moon throwing even more emotions into the mix.
This happens every month, it is a life cycle. The New Moon is another time of quiet contemplation. Breathe in deeply and move into a calm state of mind. Watch your own emotions come and go and to not allow them to influence you in this current time. Spend time meditating and practicing yoga and you'll see your life more clearly. The New Moon is a beginning so use this time of quiet contemplation to plan things, perhaps a new project or a new relationship you're eager to embark upon. As the moon moves into the waxing phase gradually start to put these plans into practice, by the time the full moon comes around on May 21st these ideas or projects should have begun. That is what you should usually do each month unless Mercury is in retrograde.
When Mercury is in retrograde it may be a good idea to not jump into new projects or relationships. Instead wait and enjoy the quietness. Your mind will thank you for it.
So for the next few weeks allow extra time for your journeys, expect anything electronic to go on the fritz and prepare to have a little more chaos in your everyday life. In fact my browser has unexpectedly crashed and closed twice whilst writing this entry, a sign of things to come. Thanks Mercury.
Mercury goes into retrograde on April 28th until May 22nd incorporating both a new and full moon phase. The next new moon is on May 6th and the Next Full moon the flower moon will be on May 21st.
While Mercury is in retrograde I'll be choosing and sharing a daily tarot or oracle card on Instagram. Instagram name: teriwarke
Wednesday, 6 April 2016
Spring Cleaning Your Mind, Body And Spirit
Spring is officially here, the daffodils have been blooming for weeks, the blossom is just starting to appear on the trees, birds are singing and it's finally starting to get warmer. This is the time of year when most of us have a thorough spring clean of our homes. Sorting through your wardrobe, cleaning the windows, de-cluttering the garden and home. Yet so many of us fail to spring clean ourselves. Think of everything within your body, the toxins we put inside our bodies building up, the winter excesses.
Think of all the pent up emotions you're still carrying with you everyday, past relationship trauma, emotional pain and baggage, negativity
How is all of this affecting you spiritually? Your entire aura will be full to the brim of all the stale stagnant energies so it's a good a time as ever to spring clean your mind, body and spirit.
Our bodies store up so much that we don't need. The extra calories we consume, if you're a smoker you're filling your lungs with tar and ash, if you consume alcohol that is causing you more damage then you'll ever realise. Medications, even the food we eat all contain toxins that build up inside our bodies causing so many physical ailments. Digestive problems, fatigue, skin problems. Among others.
Take some time to detox your body give your body a break and help it to clear all of these nasty toxins. You can detox for one or two days or if you're daring a week. Of course continue to take any necessary medication but give your body a spring clean. To do this first choose how long you wish to detox for. Three days is a good time frame but if you want to go for a week or just one day go for it. Whatever suits you. While you're detoxing consume only natural foods preferably raw. Eliminate dairy, meats, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol. Try to consume just water as your drink of choice but be sure to drink plenty of it, you don't want to go dehydrating yourself at the same time. For foods stick to salads, vegetables and fruits. While you're on a detox you may experience headaches, this is perfectly normal and is your body's way of telling you the detox is working. Headaches are likely to occur if you detox for three or more days. A one day detox shouldn't give you any side effects. Make sure you don't venture too far from a toilet, you'll need to drink plenty of water to flush those toxins out. If water is not appealing to you you can drink herbal caffeine free teas, Echinacea and raspberry tea by Twinings is a very good detox aid as is Camomile
So now onto your mind and spirit. You can spring clean your mind and spirit without detoxing if you prefer. Spring clean your mind and spirit with this simple meditation:
Begin by sitting or laying comfortably, close your eyes and take in some deep cleansing breaths. Focus on your breathing, with every breath feel yourself relax.
On an inhale imagine breathing in a bright white energy, as you exhale see a dark grey energy leaving your body, with every breath breathe in more white energy and exhale the grey energy. As you do this notice on the exhale the grey energy begins to get lighter with each breath. Continue to do this until your exhale is as bright white as the energy you breathe in.
Next picture yourself laying on a beautiful sunny beach, you can feel the warmth of the sun nourishing you. You can hear the sound of the waves crashing, it is completely peaceful. See yourself sit up and look at the sand surrounding you, a lovely golden sand.
Dig a deep hole in the sand before you. When you are satisfied sit back and clear your mind of anything and everything you wish to get rid of. Throw all your negative emotions, worries, fears, into the hole. Anything that's been bothering you or that no longer serves you, let it go and throw it into the hole.
When you have cleared your mind of everything you wish to clear fill in your hole and take a few steps backward. See a wave crash over your hole and literally take all of those emotions away where they'll be cleared, cleansed and washed away.
Take a few moments to feel how free and clear you feel. Your mind is clear, you feel happy.
Feel a gentle sea breeze blowing against you, this is clearing any pent up energy from your aura. The breeze feels very refreshing and energising
As the breeze lessens feel all the space you've created, you feel free, you are feeling revived and replenished. You feel happy, healthy and light.
When you are ready take three deep breaths and then slowly open your eyes.
How much better do you feel now?
Think of all the pent up emotions you're still carrying with you everyday, past relationship trauma, emotional pain and baggage, negativity
How is all of this affecting you spiritually? Your entire aura will be full to the brim of all the stale stagnant energies so it's a good a time as ever to spring clean your mind, body and spirit.
Our bodies store up so much that we don't need. The extra calories we consume, if you're a smoker you're filling your lungs with tar and ash, if you consume alcohol that is causing you more damage then you'll ever realise. Medications, even the food we eat all contain toxins that build up inside our bodies causing so many physical ailments. Digestive problems, fatigue, skin problems. Among others.
Take some time to detox your body give your body a break and help it to clear all of these nasty toxins. You can detox for one or two days or if you're daring a week. Of course continue to take any necessary medication but give your body a spring clean. To do this first choose how long you wish to detox for. Three days is a good time frame but if you want to go for a week or just one day go for it. Whatever suits you. While you're detoxing consume only natural foods preferably raw. Eliminate dairy, meats, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol. Try to consume just water as your drink of choice but be sure to drink plenty of it, you don't want to go dehydrating yourself at the same time. For foods stick to salads, vegetables and fruits. While you're on a detox you may experience headaches, this is perfectly normal and is your body's way of telling you the detox is working. Headaches are likely to occur if you detox for three or more days. A one day detox shouldn't give you any side effects. Make sure you don't venture too far from a toilet, you'll need to drink plenty of water to flush those toxins out. If water is not appealing to you you can drink herbal caffeine free teas, Echinacea and raspberry tea by Twinings is a very good detox aid as is Camomile
So now onto your mind and spirit. You can spring clean your mind and spirit without detoxing if you prefer. Spring clean your mind and spirit with this simple meditation:
Begin by sitting or laying comfortably, close your eyes and take in some deep cleansing breaths. Focus on your breathing, with every breath feel yourself relax.
On an inhale imagine breathing in a bright white energy, as you exhale see a dark grey energy leaving your body, with every breath breathe in more white energy and exhale the grey energy. As you do this notice on the exhale the grey energy begins to get lighter with each breath. Continue to do this until your exhale is as bright white as the energy you breathe in.
Next picture yourself laying on a beautiful sunny beach, you can feel the warmth of the sun nourishing you. You can hear the sound of the waves crashing, it is completely peaceful. See yourself sit up and look at the sand surrounding you, a lovely golden sand.
Dig a deep hole in the sand before you. When you are satisfied sit back and clear your mind of anything and everything you wish to get rid of. Throw all your negative emotions, worries, fears, into the hole. Anything that's been bothering you or that no longer serves you, let it go and throw it into the hole.
When you have cleared your mind of everything you wish to clear fill in your hole and take a few steps backward. See a wave crash over your hole and literally take all of those emotions away where they'll be cleared, cleansed and washed away.
Take a few moments to feel how free and clear you feel. Your mind is clear, you feel happy.
Feel a gentle sea breeze blowing against you, this is clearing any pent up energy from your aura. The breeze feels very refreshing and energising
As the breeze lessens feel all the space you've created, you feel free, you are feeling revived and replenished. You feel happy, healthy and light.
When you are ready take three deep breaths and then slowly open your eyes.
How much better do you feel now?
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
Beautiful Meditation To Reunite With Your Twinflame
I recently took a long break from meditation, four months to be precise. Not because I wanted to but because things had become so chaotic that I just didn't have the time to practice it.
Having begun practicing again last week and doing my regular meditations, this week I knew I needed something new. So I had a look on youtube. The place I always head to when I want to try something new. After spending some time browsing I went back to the one that caught my attention the most. I was initially put off as it's a Shamanic meditation which I never usually practice but the title "Reuniting with your twin flame" appealed to me. So I decided to try it out. I was surprised as it was such a beautiful meditation and I felt great afterwards. So I thought I'd post it here to share as it was so lovely.
It really is a beautiful meditation. Enjoy.
Having begun practicing again last week and doing my regular meditations, this week I knew I needed something new. So I had a look on youtube. The place I always head to when I want to try something new. After spending some time browsing I went back to the one that caught my attention the most. I was initially put off as it's a Shamanic meditation which I never usually practice but the title "Reuniting with your twin flame" appealed to me. So I decided to try it out. I was surprised as it was such a beautiful meditation and I felt great afterwards. So I thought I'd post it here to share as it was so lovely.
It really is a beautiful meditation. Enjoy.
Sunday, 10 January 2016
Keeping A Moon Journal
If you've been reading this blog for a while you've probably noticed me mention a moon diary or moon journal on a few occasions.
As tonight is the new moon, the first of the year I thought it'd be an ideal time to explain it a little more. As it's the first New Moon of the year it is an ideal time to begin keeping a moon journal of your own.
A moon journal is just what it says it is. A journal dedicated solely to the moon. The moon is a powerful and at times very strong influence on us down here on earth. The moon emits a powerful energy which moon sensitive people will sense. Due to this strong energy the moon can affect us in many ways. Lunacy was never just a myth, it is common knowledge that on the night of the full moon A&E and Police departments are always busier. However it is not purely the full moon which can affect our emotions.
Many people are under the misapprehension that the moon only affects women. While the moon is a very feminine energy and has a monthly cycle like women it is equally likely to affect men as well as women.
Have you ever noticed that you have days when you feel particularly depressed for no apparent reason. Of course those of us who have suffered with depression at some point will know this feeling all too well. Or maybe you have days when you feel extra sensitive, emotional, moody. If that sounds like you then it is a possibility that you are moon sensitive. By keeping a moon journal for a couple of months or a year you will be able to see if any patterns emerge, by analysing your daily moon journal you'll see if it is just at specific times of the month you're affected, known as the current moon phase.
Every month the moon has the same cycle and will go through different phases;
Each moon phase can affect us in all different ways. For example I often feel quite low around the New Moon, something I didn't realise until I kept a moon journal.
So to begin keeping a moon journal find a journal or notebook that you will use solely as your moon journal. On the first page in the centre write your name, date and time of birth and the moon phase of the day you was born. This can be found through a simple google search. You'll soon notice that your extra sensitive around the moon phase from when you was born.
Update your moon journal every night before retiring to bed. Use a fresh page for each entry then write the date, time and current moon phase (You can check this by google but for ease there is a current moon phase to the left of this blog)
Then write how you felt that day, you don't need to write much but if you wish to go into detail by all means do.
After a few months look back over your entries and note down any patterns, did you feel the same moods and emotions during certain moon phases each month? Note if you're more sensitive to the full moon or new moon. By keeping a moon journal you'll gain a better understanding of the moon and even of your own emotions.
As tonight is the new moon, the first of the year I thought it'd be an ideal time to explain it a little more. As it's the first New Moon of the year it is an ideal time to begin keeping a moon journal of your own.
A moon journal is just what it says it is. A journal dedicated solely to the moon. The moon is a powerful and at times very strong influence on us down here on earth. The moon emits a powerful energy which moon sensitive people will sense. Due to this strong energy the moon can affect us in many ways. Lunacy was never just a myth, it is common knowledge that on the night of the full moon A&E and Police departments are always busier. However it is not purely the full moon which can affect our emotions.
Many people are under the misapprehension that the moon only affects women. While the moon is a very feminine energy and has a monthly cycle like women it is equally likely to affect men as well as women.
Have you ever noticed that you have days when you feel particularly depressed for no apparent reason. Of course those of us who have suffered with depression at some point will know this feeling all too well. Or maybe you have days when you feel extra sensitive, emotional, moody. If that sounds like you then it is a possibility that you are moon sensitive. By keeping a moon journal for a couple of months or a year you will be able to see if any patterns emerge, by analysing your daily moon journal you'll see if it is just at specific times of the month you're affected, known as the current moon phase.
Every month the moon has the same cycle and will go through different phases;
- New Moon
- Waxing Crescent
- First Quarter
- Waxing Gibbous
- Full
- Waning Gibbous
- Last Quarter
- Waning Crescent
Each moon phase can affect us in all different ways. For example I often feel quite low around the New Moon, something I didn't realise until I kept a moon journal.
So to begin keeping a moon journal find a journal or notebook that you will use solely as your moon journal. On the first page in the centre write your name, date and time of birth and the moon phase of the day you was born. This can be found through a simple google search. You'll soon notice that your extra sensitive around the moon phase from when you was born.
Update your moon journal every night before retiring to bed. Use a fresh page for each entry then write the date, time and current moon phase (You can check this by google but for ease there is a current moon phase to the left of this blog)
Then write how you felt that day, you don't need to write much but if you wish to go into detail by all means do.
After a few months look back over your entries and note down any patterns, did you feel the same moods and emotions during certain moon phases each month? Note if you're more sensitive to the full moon or new moon. By keeping a moon journal you'll gain a better understanding of the moon and even of your own emotions.
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