Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Uh Oh Mercury Is Going Into Retrograde

If you've got something important to do it's best to do it today, as tomorrow Mercury will be in retrograde once again making our lives here on earth chaotic. If you know what this means you'll be thinking "Oh no here we go again" if you've never heard of it before read on and it'll all make a little more sense. 

Every year around three or four times the planet Mercury slows down on it's orbit. There comes a time when it has slowed down so significantly that it appears almost stationary and visually it'll look as though it is orbiting backwards, when infact it has just considerably slowed down. This is Mercury in retrograde. 
For us earthlings it may appear as though it has no effect on us but it does. When Mercury is in retrograde everything that could possibly go wrong will no doubt go wrong. Particularly anything to do with communication, electronics and transportation.

When Mercury is in retrograde expect the following occurences: 
  • Computers Freezing
  • Mobile phones having low/no signal 
  • Mobiles and tablets freezing, slowing down or encountering software issues 
  • Electronic equipment going on the fritz 
  • Travel Delays 
  • Car Trouble
  • Short Term Memory Loss 
  • Lack of communication 
  • Trouble with electronic appliances  

 It is advised not to make any important decisions or plans when Mercury is in retrograde. Such as signing contracts, starting a new relationship, making travel plans, or scheduling important meetings. Instead this time should be used for quiet contemplation and reflection. Spend time meditating and walking in nature. Taking a more relaxed approach to life.

On May 6th we also have a new moon throwing even more emotions into the mix.
This happens every month, it is a life cycle. The New Moon is another time of quiet contemplation. Breathe in deeply and move into a calm state of mind. Watch your own emotions come and go and to not allow them to influence you in this current time. Spend time meditating and practicing yoga and you'll see your life more clearly. The New Moon is a beginning so use this time of quiet contemplation to plan things, perhaps a new project or a new relationship you're eager to embark upon. As the moon moves into the waxing phase  gradually start to put these plans into practice, by the time the full moon comes around on May 21st these ideas or projects should have begun. That is what you should usually do each month unless Mercury is in retrograde.
When Mercury is in retrograde it may be a good idea to not jump into new projects or relationships. Instead wait and enjoy the quietness. Your mind will thank you for it.

So for the next few weeks allow extra time for your journeys, expect anything electronic to go on the fritz and prepare to have a little more chaos in your everyday life. In fact my browser has unexpectedly crashed and closed twice whilst writing this entry, a sign of things to come. Thanks Mercury.

Mercury goes into retrograde on April 28th until May 22nd incorporating both a new and full moon phase. The next new moon is on May 6th and the Next Full moon the flower moon will be on May 21st. 
While Mercury is in retrograde I'll be choosing and sharing a daily tarot or oracle card on Instagram. Instagram name: teriwarke 

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