Tuesday, 10 January 2017

2017 The Year Of Change

At last the flow of negative energy of 2016 is behind us. 2016 was a terrible year for many people worldwide and it was a bad year for energy. After having an abominable year myself with a few deaths within the family and a stem of negative energy I'm now fully cleansed and ready to see what 2017 brings. 
Many people will have felt a tremedous shift of energy around new year which would have felt stronger then on previous years. New year was a time of great cleansing, we needed to cleanse all of the negative energy before emerging into 2017 fresh and clear. This will explain the bizarre weather worldwide, the world is cleansing itself by the weather. Rain I always associate with being very cleansing anyway, sometimes it's good for your body and soul to get wet by the rain. Think of those times when you get caught out in a heavy downpour without your coat or umbrella, its no coincedence you just needed that cleansing. Everything in life happens for a reason afterall. Now I'm not suggesting whenever heavy rain is forecast that we run around in the nude (unless that's your thing then feel free) but sometimes it is good to feel the rainwater cleanse you. In Cherokee culture there is a saying "winds of change" meaning that strong winds will blow negativity away for new energy to take its place. 
On New Years Eve I decided to do a clenasing ritual. I went out into my garden and wrote on a piece of paper "2016 I bid you farewell and all your negative energies to be released" I then burnt this paper and burried the ashes. By doing so physically letting go of everything negative from the past year and by burying the ashes I was putting the energy back into the earth to be recycled. Prior to doing this ritual I had had a nosebleed earlier that evening. Something very out of character and unusual for me so I put it down to a cleansing thing. As I was doing this ritual out in my garden it began raining, yet the rain didn't put out my fire, the rain stopped and a gentle breeze blew past my face, the winds of change. Great spirit taking the energy and bringing in the new.
When I came back inside I cleansed further by lighting an incense and doing a cleansing meditation. Once I had finished I cleansed some crytals and just as I finished I had another nosebleed. I took it as a sign that my body needed to cleanse itself further by bleeding. I knew there was no medical reason for me to have had such a strange occurence and oddly enough it hasn't happened since. 
Since new year I feel refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to face 2017. 

This year is all about new beginnings, not just for me, but for all of us. 2017 is a 10 year, meaning the digits all equate to 10. Ten also happens to be my favourite number and it is a very good number. Number 10 carries the energies of both the number 1 and the number 0. Number 10 resonates with the vibrations and energies of leadership, optimism, confidence, independence, creative powers, success, energy, originality, adaptability, determination and individuality. Number 10 reduces to the single digit of 1 (1+0=1). Number 1 resonates with the attributes of self-leadership and assertiveness, new beginnings and motivation, activity and progress, achievement and success. Number 1 also reminds us that we create our own realities with our beliefs, intentions and actions.  Number 0 is the number of the Universal Energies and reinforces, amplifies and magnifies the vibrations of the numbers it appears with. Number 0 also relates to developing one’s spiritual aspects.
I suppose it is no coincedence that I've just noticed todays date is also the 10th. 

Now that 2017 is well underway, lets enjoy the new possibilities that 2017 will bring us. New love, new relationships, new jobs, new home, the possibilities are endless. So go, grab it and embrace all of 2017's incredible energy and make this your year if change. 


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