Saturday, 19 September 2015

Basic Beginners Meditation Technique

Beginning meditation can often be tricky to master. There are so many different ways to meditate. transcendental meditation is very popular among beginners, personally I found that style difficult to master. If you are very new to meditation try this simple technique, this is the first technique I learnt and it will fully relax you. As you become more used to practising meditation and go onto more complex deeper meditations you can always use this technique as a preparation for meditation, which is what I do. 

To begin, sit or lie comfortably. Whichever is more comfortable for you. 

Take three deep healing breaths, as you breathe in deeply allow your mind to quieten, as you exhale let go of any worries or stresses. 

As you continue to breathe in deeply focus on your own heartbeat, feel your own unique rhythm, listen and focus on your breathing. 

On an inhale Feel your feet becoming heavy, so heavy that you can barely move them. This is grounding you. 

With every breath feel a sensation of warmth move up your legs, into your knees. You will begin to feel a warm energy surrounding you. 

Allow to warmth to travel up your thighs and as it reaches your buttocks feel yourself sinking into your chair or bed. 

you feel it move up around your torso, a calming, warm feeling, spreading up your spine 

As it reaches your chest and shoulders feel any tension being melted away by the warm energy. Your shoulders naturally relax. 

As it travels down your arms feel the warmth embracing you like a big healing hug. Feel your hands become limp. 

As it travels back up your arms and around your neck let go of any remaining tension. 

As it finally covers your head feel yourself relaxing. 

You are now in a safe meditative state, your entire body is relaxed and all tension and stress has been melted away. 

Stay in this calm, safe relaxed state as long as you wish. Then on an exhale open your eyes and allow yourself a few minutes to resettle in your physical body. 


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