Sunday, 6 September 2015

The Motherstone In Greenwich Park

The Motherstone in Greenwich Park has been a mystery to many, all except the local wiccans and pagans. The stone is called The Goddess Stone by the local pagan community. It honours the dark Goddess, Lillith and Hecate. Although called dark goddesses they are not 'evil' or associated with black magic. The name dark goddesses refers to the goddesses of the dark moon or new moon. 

The stone was originally a fountain which was filled with natural local spring water and a cup used to hang above the bowl for the public to use. That was until the lead from the ancient pipes deemed it unsafe.  

Often when you visit the motherstone you'll find that pagans have left offerings to the dark goddess in the form of roses, crystals, wands and sometimes you'll even find the remains of spells. Recently I saw burnt down candles. This is all perfectly harmless as wiccans can only do spells for their own use, they cannot put spells or curses onto other people, this is just mythical folklore. 

Above the motherstone is an ancient yew tree which is still thriving hundreds of years later. The yew tree is particularly sacred to pagans as it can enhance magical and psychic abilities. Every part of the yew tree is extremely toxic especially to animals so using yew should be done under caution. 

The water filled bowl of the fountain is made of Preseli bluestone, a sacred stone which was used to form the inner circle of stone henge. The stone is becoming popular again now for it's healing properties. 

The motherstone is a really peaceful place to visit, if you need a good spot to meditate locally you can go there or just sit and take in the lovely energy. 

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