Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Opening And Cleansing Your Chakras

As you become more open spiritually one of the core things to practise is regularly opening, closing and cleansing your chakras. Your chakras are energy centres which run along your spine. In Sanskrit the word Chakra translates as a wheel or disk, which essentially chakras are. These disks need to be alligned, clear, and spinning to the correct speed and direction. When your chakras are all in perfect allignment and balance you are healthier and more intune with yourself. If you have a blocked, overactive, underactive or misalligned chakra that will affect you both mentally and physically. Many physical ailments can be treated by simply realigning and cleansing your chakras. Each chakra has a colour and crystals attributed to it. There are many more chakras then the ones featured below but as this is the first time I've mentionned them on here we will start with the basic seven chakras.

This simple chakra meditation will help you become familiar with your chakras. As you practice it more and more often it will become a second nature to you. You can visualise your chakras anyway you want it is a personal choice. When you open your chakras you could see them as flowers opening, lift doors opening, or as coloured disks. The only thing to remember is the colour of each chakra how you picture them can be entirely upto you. For the sake of this meditation I will describe the chakras as flowers as more people can easily visualise these. As you open each chakra notice how it is spinning is it clockwise? anticlockwise? is it still? spinning fast or slow?

To begin settle yourself comfortably and take some deep healing cleansing breaths. Listen to your heartbeat and your breathing. Feel yourself relaxing. 

Start off at your base chakra which is located at the base of your spine. You see a large red rosebud, as you allow it to open into a rose see the red light emiting from within it. The rose is spinning in a clockwise position, is it spinnnig fast? slow? or just right? Is it spinnnig anticlockwise? 

As you come to the base Chakra which is located along your spine just below your navel. You see an orange flower bud, allow it to open into a beautiful vibrant flower, see the orange light shining from within. Again note which direction it is spinning. 

Next is the solar plexus chakra, see a large sunflower bud, allow it to open into a beautiful bright sunflower, bright yellow sunny light is emiting from it. Notice again the speed and direction it is spinning. 

Next is the Heart Chakra located on your heart. This is a personal preference you choose as their are infact two heart chakras. If you prefer pink choose pink otherwise choose green. 
See your chosen colour flower and see it open into a gorgeous soft flower, see the pink or green light spreading out from it, it is pure love. 

You arrive at your throat chakra located in your throat, you see a bright blue flower bud, allow it to open. see the blue light emitting from within it. 

Next is the thrid eye chakra located between your eyebrows see a violet daisy bud, watch it open and see a wonderful violet light emiting from it. 

Last up is the crown chakra at the very top of your head, see a deep purple lily bud, as it opens see a strong purple light shine from within it.  

From high above your head see a beautiful pure white light, the purest white light you've ever seen. See it slowly lower over you until it enters your crown chakra. Allow this light to travel down each chakra and gently cleanse them with its white light. When it is done with your base chakra take a deep breath. As you exhale see the white light travel up and leave your body and disappear. Notice how good you feel, how clear you feel. 

Now close each and every chakra the same way you opened them, taking your time to see each one close, if you visualised it as a flower see the flower close back up into a bud. If you noticed any chakras spinning anticlokwise, slow or fast are they now spinning better in a clockwise position.
When you get to your heart chakra close it and lock it with something special to you, you could see a key with a loved ones face on the handle or anything you hold dear. This will help to protect your heart. You can leave your heart chakra open just a little if you wish.

When you have closed each chakra take a few more breaths and slowly open your eyes. 
How do you feel?

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